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Navy carrier commander scrutinized over lewd video

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[January 04, 2011]  NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -- A Navy captain's command of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was under scrutiny after raunchy comedy videos he made and showed to his crew surfaced years after they were produced, causing an embarrassment for the Pentagon.

InsuranceCapt. Owen Honors was chief executive officer -- or second in command -- of the USS Enterprise when he broadcast the videos that used gay slurs, mimicked masturbation and staged suggestive shower scenes. He now commands the ship awaiting deployment from the port city of Norfolk.

Asked if Honors' command was at risk, Cmdr. Chris Sims of U.S. Fleet Forces Command told The Associated Press in an e-mail Monday: "The investigation currently being conducted will provide the necessary information to make that decision in an informed manner."

Ward Carroll, an aviator who flew with Honors, called the officer "one of the good guys" but said he doesn't expect him to command the Enterprise when it heads to sea this month.

"I was disappointed, both professionally and personally, that he wantonly and with great prejudice walked across the lines that exist," said Carroll, who is now editor of "I don't see there's any way he stays in command."

Those who serve under Honors now and have in the past, though, hit the social networking sites and contacted The Associated Press, most expressing their support for him.

"Capt. Honors is a very professional person, but he knew when to have fun," Colorado native Jessica Zabawa wrote in an e-mail to the AP. She served on the Enterprise from 2007 to last September. "Capt. Honors knows when to be serious and when it's time to unwind."

Navy higher-ups knew about the videos that were played on the shipwide television system during the weekly movie night that a sailor called a "big event." In a statement to the Virginian-Pilot, which first showed the videos on its website over the weekend, the Navy said its leadership had put a stop those with "inappropriate content" on the Enterprise about four years ago.

The Navy at first downplayed the videos as "humorous skits," but soon called them "not acceptable" and said they were under investigation.

"They were probably hoping it would all go away, and it didn't and now they have to say something," said Michael Corgan, a career Navy officer who now teaches at Boston University.


Corgan said Honors was guilty not only of an error in judgment but of failing to recognize a changing Navy culture. "Standards shift, of course, and trimming your sails is something you have to do if you're going to command people in the Navy," Corgan said. "This guy showed poor judgment."

The military has undergone a cultural shift in recent decades away from the loutish, frat-boy behavior that was exposed by the Tailhook scandal in 1991. It is now working to accommodate gays in its ranks with Congress' repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Also, the Navy is opening its all-male submarine force to women this year.

Corgan said the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" probably had nothing to do with the furor now: "What he did would have been dumb 30, 40 years ago."

Some sailors who served on the Enterprise say his video skits provided a much-needed morale boost during long deployments at sea.

They portrayed Honors as a man who genuinely cared about his sailors and helped them blow off steam with corny and occasionally outrageous videos he concocted every week during six-month tours of duty in the Middle East at the height of the Iraq War. Maintaining morale is typically part of the chief executive officer's job.

"He was a caring professional and, yes, he has a sense of humor, but you need that on a boat," said Misty Davis, who served on the Enterprise from 2006 to 2010. The offending video was shown in 2007, and was a compilation of previous videos he had shown, she and others said.

"It's no worse than anything you'd see on 'Saturday Night Live' or 'The Family Guy,'" Davis said Monday. "I used to watch all of them. They were freaking hilarious."

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The Virginian-Pilot posted a version of the video Sunday, minus offensive language, with the faces of some sailors blurred. It was unclear why the videos are just now surfacing.

The Pilot quoted unidentified crew members as saying they raised concerns aboard the ship about the videos when they aired but were brushed off.

The elaborately produced video posted by the newspaper employs editing tricks to show Honors having a conversation with two disguised versions of himself. It shows same-sex sailors, naked from the shoulders up, showering together while Honors looks on. In other segments, Honors mimics masturbation and uses a slur to refer to homosexuals.

In an introduction to the video, Honors says: "Over the years I've gotten several complaints about inappropriate material during these videos, never to me personally but, gutlessly, through other channels."

Since the story broke, hundreds of current and past Enterprise crew members have created Facebook accounts to support Honors. Another site with far fewer "friends" condemns him and calls for his resignation.

Ryan Adams, now a student at Virginia Tech, left the Navy in 2009 after serving in 2006 and 2007 on the Enterprise. He said when sailors complained about food or living conditions, Honors heeded their complaints.

"Everyone I know who worked on the Enterprise is backing him 100 percent," said Adams. He said movie night when the videos were shown was usually enjoyed with pizza and that "there was never a seat left in the mess."

Every sailor interviewed said they had heard no complaints on board about Honors' skits.

The Navy put more emphasis on ethics and sexual harassment awareness after dozens of women complained they were groped and assaulted by drunken pilots at the 1991 convention in Las Vegas of the Tailhook Association, a group of naval aviators. Nearly 120 officers were implicated in various offenses.

The episode triggered the resignation of the Navy secretary and the early retirement of the chief of naval operations.

A telephone listing for Honors was not available. No one answered the door at his home Monday. He is a 1983 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and was a naval aviator before holding command. He attended the U.S. Naval Fighter Weapons School, also known as Top Gun.

Adams, who worked in the Enterprise's nuclear reactor department, said he was especially grateful to Honors after he sought a speedy return to Virginia for his grandfather's funeral. Honors cut through the red tape and got Adams home.

"I just don't want a good man to go down like this," he said.



USS Enterprise official site:

[Associated Press; By DENA POTTER and STEVE SZKOTAK]

Steve Szkotak reported from Richmond, Va.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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