Armbrust has final day at Regions
![Click on photos below to enlarge.]

Friday afternoon the lobby of Regions Bank was filled with little clusters of people patiently waiting their turn to say goodbye to an old friend.
After over 40 years of service to the community, Marilyn Armbrust is closing the banking chapter of her life and opening a new chapter as a retiree.
Marian Eimer, who most often occupies the desk adjacent to Armbrust, said that for the moment at least, it doesn't feel real that Armbrust is leaving.
"For the first couple weeks, we'll feel like she's just gone on vacation, but then we'll start to realize she really isn't going to come back. She's a great lady, and we are really going to miss her," Eimer said.
In true Marilyn fashion, amid the well-wishers, gifts and wonderful food, Marilyn was working on one last loan and said she wouldn't be officially retired until it was finished.

[Pictures by NILA SMITH]



Armbrust greets folks who may first have come to her as customers, but today say goodbye as friends.



Armbrust chats with another good friend who came to wish her well.





Marian Eimer commented that Armbrust will be greatly missed at Regions Bank.

"I can't go until everything is finished, no loose ends," Armbrust laughed.


Bank sales manager Donna Boyd serves up cake and punch at the reception.

Friends of Armbrust find a cozy place to sit and eat some terrific finger foods.



Armbrust comes out from behind her desk to sit and chat with even more well-wishers.



Armbrust was also blessed to have her family there. Here she poses with husband David, daughter Sara and little granddaughter Hayden.


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