Logan County E-NEWS

Thursday, January 06, 2011                           Issue#1-11

Logan County Farm Service Agency                Phone: (217) 735-5508 Ext. 2

1650 5th St                                                               Fax      : (217) 732-9916

Lincoln, IL    62656                                               Hours: M-F, 8:00 am to 4:30 PM


News & Information

Our goal is to provide as much information to our farmers, ranchers, landowners, agribusinesses, non-farm orientated citizens, students, and future email subscribers in the quickest, cheapest, and most efficient way.  Issuing press releases and regular newsletters fulfill our minimal requirements in publicizing information, but as we have learned over the years, it's not enough. The Logan County E-News will be published periodically and used solely to compliment the other avenues of our information dissemination needs.  Subscription is free and the advice is still cheap.  We do not discriminate.  If you know someone that wants to subscribe, share this E-News with them.  If you know someone is not getting their E-News, they should contact our office or check with their Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Email provider and flag the Logan County E-News as "non-spam" or "acceptable".  Every time we issue E-News publications, we receive several returned messages due to the security filters your ISP uses.


Topics Covered:

·        Extension Soil Fertility Workshop

·        Logan County Soil & Water Conservation District Annual Meeting

·        January Interest Rates/Farm Loan Program Interest Rates

·        Farm Records



Extension plans soil fertility workshop

University of Illinois Extension will host a soil fertility workshop February 15 in the Tazewell County Extension office, Pekin.  The pre-registration deadline is February 8th

The program will run from 9am to 2pm.  Speakers and topics included:

-         Fabian Fernandez, U of I Extension soil fertility specialist, micronutrients for corn

-         Peter Scharf , University of Missouri Extension soil specialist, supplemental nitrogen

-         Matt Montgomery, U of I Extension, the potash cycle

-         Robert Bellm, U of I Extension, phosphorus needs of major crops

-         Mike Roegge, U of I Extension, nutrient deficiencies.

The registration fee is $40 per person.  After February 8th, the fee increases to $50.  Late registration will be accepted only by calling Mason County Extension Office at 309-543-3308.  To register for the workshop, contact your local Extension office.



Logan County Soil & Water Conservation District Annual Meeting

When? February 3, 2011 – 6:00 P.M. 

Where? American Legion – Lincoln

Why? Come support your Soil & Water District! 

-         Mark McDonald of “Illinois Stories” will be the guest speaker.  Mark has worked in television and media relations for 25 years as a news reporter, anchor, public affairs specialist, and now, as an Emmy award winning chronicler of life in central and west central Illinois.  He has the distinction of having interviewed our past three presidents at some time in their careers.

-         There will be a short business meeting with election of directors.  Terms of Dean Sasse of Atlanta and Cheryl Baker of Emden will be expiring.  Recently completed conservation practices and District activities will be highlighted in a short power point presentation.  Logan County FFA Chapters will be recognized for their activities and achievements.

Come enjoy a delicious smorgasbord dinner and support Logan County agriculture. 

Call the office for more information! 217-735-5508 ext. 3


January Interest Rates

9-month Commodity loans …………1.250%

Farm Storage Facility Loans

  7-year note ………………………………2.500%

 10-yr note …………………………………3.125%

 12-yr note …………………………………3.375%

Farm Loan Program Interest Rates

Farm Operating Loan - Direct….…..1.75%

Farm Ownership Loan - Direct….....4.50%

Farm Ownership Loans – Direct Down Payment, Beginning Famer or Rancher…………..1.50%



Call BEFORE You Haul

Attention all Marketing Assistant Loan participants.  You are required by federal policy to contact your local FSA before you hall your grain to the elevator.  A quick phone call is all it takes to keep you out of violation.  Illegal disposition of grain can be very costly.  So remember to call before you haul.

Spot checks are made monthly. 

*Seasonal weight limits for Logan County highways begin January 20th.



Farm Records

Are your farm records up to date?  Not Sure?  Call the office to find out before you come in to sign up for the 2011 DCP/ACRE Program.  YES, contracts are ready to be signed! Keeping your farm records current will keep you in compliance with our programs and out of receiving a surprise phone call from our office when a problem arises. 

Common changes are:

-         Newly acquired land

-         Change in tenants

-         An owner has passed away from the previous year

-         FSA Power of Attorney’s

Keep your DCP/ACRE contracts up to date!

If you have any other inquires please contact the office and we will be glad to help you.



We’ve had some chilly temperatures so far this holiday season, but what is the coldest temperature ever recorded for Lincoln, IL?

A: We had some close guesses from James, Cory and Lee, but Doug chimed in 1st with the correct answer of -34 degrees on January 15, 1927


*The picture at the top is of the Hutchinson, Kansas grain elevator.  It is one of the longest grain elevators in the world, spanning over a ½ a mile.  It holds 46 million bushels in its 1,000 bins.


Refer a friend to E-News!  Please forward this on to other acquaintances so they may choose to join the distribution list. All you need to do to sign up is email me at John.Peters@il.usda.gov or stop in the office and fill out a brief E-News subscription form. All e-mails addresses will be kept confidential.

Please let me know of any ideas, questions and suggestions you may have!



John Peters



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