The Woods Foundation issued a solicitation May 17 to superintendents
or principals of all school districts having school buildings in
Logan County, requesting that they submit to the foundation a
separate grant application for the improvement of technology in each
of their school buildings in Logan County. The foundation committed
to provide grants of up to $20,000 for each building located in
Logan County if their grant applications were approved.
There are 18 school buildings in Logan County, represented by 11
different school districts. The school districts were provided a
deadline of July 1 for submission of grant applications. Nine of the
11 school districts having buildings in Logan County submitted
applications, representing 16 educational buildings. All 16 grant
applications were approved in their entirety.
It is the intention of the board of directors of the foundation
to provide assistance to the school districts in Logan County by and
through these technology grants. It is hoped that the funds will
enable the school districts to update certain aspects of their
technology to enhance the educational opportunities available to the
students in Logan County.
The Woods Foundation was made possible through the generosity of
Robert J. Woods and Joan Jarrett Woods, who established and funded
the foundation to carry on their long history of philanthropy.
[Text from file received]