
Laura on Life

The apology

By Laura Snyder

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[March 23, 2011]  It's rare, but every now and then, I find that I have to apologize to a member of my family for writing something obnoxious or saying something in anger that I didn't really mean.

HardwareIt's hard to admit when I'm wrong because I'm the all-powerful mom, the one who's always right. That kind of power tends to go to one's head sometimes. However, when I have done something wrong, I always apologize, no matter how difficult, because that is how I want my kids to conduct themselves.

They know that an apology can sometimes spare them from harsher consequences. It's much easier to say "I'm sorry" than to spend a day in their room or be banned from some fun event.

Once these same children grow up and become adults, however, they don't have to pay those kinds of consequences if their apology is not forthcoming. If they have done something for which they need to apologize to a parent, it takes an act of God for most of them to accept the fact and act on it.

My oldest son and I share the same stubborn streak. It's rare that we disagree, but it happens. When it does, we can usually come to an understanding without any bloodshed.

He is a good writer, though, and has been known to slay lesser creatures with a flourish of his pen. Fortunately, he's never honed his skills on me... until last week.

A boiling cauldron of a bad cold, a bad mood, a bad week at work and a bad attitude rendered him unable to stem a flow of words that he knew would hurt me.

At first, the clichéd words popped into my head: "And after all I've done for him!" Then, a fast-paced movie of my life with this child of mine (who is now a 28-year-old man) raced through my mind. I realized, he has not changed all that much. The only difference is that he shaves and has a job now... and I can't send him to his room anymore.

[to top of second column]

I remember when he was a kid, he could talk to me about anything. I always gave him the chance to tell me the things that were bothering him by taking him out for ice cream, just the two of us. Each of my kids has always been given that opportunity on a pretty regular basis. We believe that ice cream is a tongue lubricant.

Whatever he may think about me now, it's not always clear. One might think he has made it perfectly clear with his pen, but I thought I knew him better than that.

It took him two days to come to the realization that he had screwed up. One never looks forward to eating crow. He may even have tried to rationalize how it might possibly be my fault... or at least, not his fault.

However, like I have many times before, he eventually came to the conclusion that he owed me a major apology. Though he lives over an hour away, he made a point to come to my house to "make things right."

Stubborn as I am, I wanted him to grovel a little. I didn't want him to get off too easy, because then we might have a repeat of that awful week.

When he arrived at my doorstep, pale, with his shoulders hunched and hands in his pockets, I said nothing. I glared at him with red-rimmed eyes and dared him to say the wrong thing. The wrong thing would be anything except "I'm sorry"... or so I thought.

After clearing his throat, he looked at me, eyes pleading for understanding, and said "Want to go get some ice cream?"

As it turned out, I did, indeed, want to go get some ice cream.


Laura Snyder is a nationally syndicated columnist, author and speaker. You can reach her at lsnyder@lauraonlife.com or visit www.lauraonlife.com for more info.


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