Hog Wild Happenings
at Chester-East Lincoln continue
![Click on photos below to enlarge.]

The learning of agriculture continues at Chester-East Lincoln School. Throughout the week, special guests have talked to students about the various fields in ag that they are involved with.

Some of the speakers were Paul Beaver on the history of ag. in Logan County, David Roos on antique farm tools, Colleen Callahan talking about the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Kathy and Chuck Kilhoffer talking about raising mushrooms, Dr. Jay Miller on veterinary work, Bill Bree on beef cattle, Allen Sasse on farming, Vicki Huelskotter on raising pigs, Keith Birnbaum talking about soybeans, and Chuck Holzwarth speaking about crop dusting.

Pictures by Deb Rohrer

The first-grade classes were treated to pig sugar cookies...

...that they could ice themselves.



Mrs. Ann Marie Irwin brought ice cream bars for the whole school.

Mrs. Irwin read a book on agriculture to her kindergarten class.


Mr. Steve Irwin talks to the junior high students about milking cows on his dairy farm.

Mrs. Susan Foran read a book on agriculture to her kindergarten class.




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