The new Deacons were installed in January: Linda Zinser, Dr.
Paul Kasa, and Kendall Martin. The Open Table Concert series at
Chad’s Blind featured Jim Croegaret and Tom Quinn. Logan County
Food Pantry items collected were: Kleenex, dish soap, and
shampoo. Trips were taken to see “Church Basement Ladies 2” in
Peoria and a dining out gathering in Mason City at Jack and
Jo’s. The First Presbyterian Church hosted the tour, “Permission
to Speak Freely” with Anne Jackson, Susan Isaacs, and Solveig
Liethaug. The theology book that was discussed was The Great
Divorce by C. S. Lewis. A new program was initiated by the
Mission Committee: collecting gently used clothes for men being
released from prison (contact the church office for more
information, 217-732-6141).
The Lent season started with the imposition of ashes on Ash
The following activities are scheduled for April: Cantata on April
10 at 10 am, Open Table Concert at Chad’s Blind on April 14 at 7pm
with Lesleigh Bennett, Palm Sunday Worship on April 17 at 10 am,
Maundy Thursday Service on April 21 at 7 pm, Prayer Stations on Good
Friday, April 22 from 12-4 pm, Easter Worship Service on April 24 at
10 am and Open Table Concert at Chad’s Blind on April 28 at 7 pm
with Ben Bedford. The Concert Series continues in May with
Christopher Williams on May 12 and Michael Mahler on May 23, both at
7 pm. The First Presbyterian Church invites everyone to
attend these activities and worship services.
[text from file received]