WL-B Superintendent-Principal
Bailey Climer told the students if they met their goal, he would
come to school in a tutu. On Monday, Mr. Climer wore the tutu and
even dressed it up with gossamer wings. Applause broke out in the
gym as he entered for an awards ceremony.
American Cancer Society representative Rachel Neubauer acknowledged
Samantha Cooley with a certificate for Samantha's position as a team captain. WL-B teacher
Mrs. Shelly Miller was also recognized for assisting with the Relay
for Life event.
In Illinois, over 120,000 volunteers
participated in events to raise funds for programs and services
provided by the American Cancer Society.
The organization considers volunteers
its most valuable asset for supporting the society's mission to
eliminate cancer as a major health problem and to assist in
preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from