Saturday wasn't much of a day
to brag about. But chilling rains couldn't keep the 19th annual
Stamp Out Hunger food drive from bringing in some impressive
In all, 5,450 pounds of food
was collected and distributed to local food pantries.
Pictures by Marla Blair |

On Saturday, volunteers transferred boxes of
food items from the Lincoln post office dock into vehicles and
delivered the donations to local food pantries.

Jami-lynn and Jessa Hill and their mother, Jodee,
of Grand Avenue in Lincoln, waited for the letter carrier to
arrive on Saturday to take their food donation for the Stamp Out
Hunger event. |


Cathy Jones weighed the bags and boxes of food
items when they were brought to the post office on Saturday, using
the large scale in the receiving area.

Jerry Davis rolled a large cart from the scale
to the loading dock after food items were weighed. Each large orange
cart held approximately 200 pounds of food. |

Volunteer Danny Lessen managed the food
donation cart at Lincoln IGA. Danny said the cart had been
emptied once, and he was hoping it would fill up again.

Bill Overton and Jim Bell unload food items
Saturday and carry them into the Lincoln/Logan Food Pantry. Several
volunteers inside established an assembly line of activity that
kept donated food moving to the pantry shelves.

Lincoln/Logan Food Pantry volunteers checked
expiration dates and sorted food items into sections in order to
ready the packages for the storage shelves.

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