Friday morning Main Street
Lincoln hosted its second annual celebration of
National Small Business Week with
an event at the Woman's Club building in Lincoln.
The morning started off with breakfast catered by the Owl's Roost
featured brief comments from Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Main Street director;
the reading of a proclamation by Mayor Keith Snyder; and the
presentation of two awards to local business owners by Roger Matson,
Main Street president.
Pictures by Nila Smith |

Ronda Malkowski, co-owner of the Owl's Roost,
smiles happily as guests dig into breakfast.

The line forms for biscuits, gravy, fruit
salad and hummingbird bread. |


Rohlfs welcomes everyone to the morning

Mayor Snyder reads a resolution proclaiming
the week of May 16 National Small Business Week in Lincoln. |

Matson reads the inscription on a plaque
presented to Tom Harris Sr.

Matson shows the audience a plaque that will
be given to John Guzzardo.

Rohlfs hold up the stovepipe version
of a Lincoln profile plant hanger...

....while Main Street board member Jackie Baker
holds up the hatless version. |
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