St. John Germanfest has great day

[Click on photos below to enlarge.]

Saturday was certainly the perfect day for a Germanfest. The sun was shining brightly and temperatures were pleasantly cool, putting visitors in the mood for some delicious, old-fashioned German fare.

Behind St. John United Church of Christ, diners enjoyed bratwurst, red cabbage, German potatoes and a variety of desserts. They were entertained with some lovely German waltzes via the Alley Kats Band, and there was a dance floor for those who chose to use it.

A large flea market outside consisted mostly of books that shoppers were milling through; there were silent auction items set up for bidding; and if one chose, there was the option of purchasing a brick from the old Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital.

Pictures by Nila Smith

A couple works off their lunch with a dance.

Others just enjoy the music.


Three of the members of the Alley Kats.

Noontime brings a large crowd to the food tent.


Buy a piece of local history.

Shoppers rummage through boxes of books.



Volunteers fill plates to overflowing in the food line.

It was a great family event everyone seemed to enjoy.


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