
Slim Randles' Home Country

Love-struck fertilizer man needs help

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[September 03, 2011]  Dewey Decker silently shoveled cow manure into the back of his pickup, but for the first time, his heart wasn't in it.

HardwareHe knew he had it to do, so he did it. Scoop, toss. Scoop, toss. Then, when the bed was full, he somberly drove to town and unloaded it onto the many compost piles behind his house.

Then he drew compost from the bottom and put that in the truck. Scoop, toss. Scoop, toss.

Then off he went in the pickup with the sign reading "Environmental Enrichment Services" and delivered the magnificent new garden amendments to one of his customers. Again … scoop, toss and spread. Scoop, toss, spread.

Normally, this would have filled his day with a sense of accomplishment, secure in the knowledge that he was making the world a little richer by his labors. But today it only warranted a sigh.

He quit work at noon, took a shower and went to the Mule Barn truck stop for lunch.

Even that didn't help.

"Pull up a chair, Dewey," said Dud, jovially. "We were just talking about the shellacking Ol' Marve gave the county people."

Partially through town support, and largely through the efforts of Dewey himself, Marvin Pincus had been allowed to continue counseling the lovelorn and tying appropriate flies for their therapy. It was the talk of the valley.

"Yes," Dewey nodded. "That was good."

[to top of second column]

"You feeling OK, Doo?" asked Doc.

"Sure. I'm fine."

But he wasn't. While his outer shell delighted in fertilizing life in the valley, his heart lay fallow. How could they understand what Emily meant to him. Oh yes, he thought of her now as Emily and not as Ms. Stickles, the county love advice coordinator.

In his mind, she walked with a graceful air, smiling that soft smile that melted his heart and changed his outlook forever.

He picked at his burger and fries and then paid his bill and left. Mindlessly he drove the fertilizer pickup around town, eventually noticing that he kept passing Marvin Pincus' house.

Of course. This was a problem for the Fly Tying Love Center.

He pulled up and stopped.

[Text from file received from Slim Randles]

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Brought to you by Slim's new book "A Cowboy's Guide to Growing Up Right." Learn more at http://www.nmsantos.com/Slim/Slim.html.

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