The funds are divided among all public school districts that have
territory in Logan County, based on the number of students who live
in that territory.
These funds may be used by the districts for school facility
purposes that are outlined in the School Code portion of the
Illinois Compiled Statutes. Distributions are based on the housing
report enrollment numbers that school officials reported to the
Illinois State Board of Education for fall 2011.
State law directs Regional Offices of Education to distribute the
funds and allows the regional offices to hold the funds in their
accounts for up to 30 days. School districts maintaining agreements
with ROE 38 permit the office to keep interest earned on the funds
during that time. When no agreement is present, funds for that
particular district are deposited in a non-interest-bearing account
until distribution. Interest accrued will be used to provide
services to the school districts in the region, including the
additional work and inspections resulting from expected
construction, renovation and maintenance projects. The school
districts will receive a report on how much interest money is earned
and how it is being spent.
For a table showing how much of the $121,217.13 received in April
goes to each school district, click here.
[Text from file received from
Logan-Mason-Menard Regional Office
of Education 38] |