Wednesday, August 29, 2012
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Local student could win $5,000 in college money

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[August 29, 2012]  Commanders of Veterans of Foreign Wars posts across Illinois have announced the kickoff of this year's VFW and Ladies Auxiliary "Patriot's Pen" essay competition. Middle school students in grades six to eight in this area have the opportunity to compete in the annual competition and win thousands of dollars.

Students are invited to write a 300- to 400-word essay on a patriotic theme. The theme for 2012-2013, which is the 18th year of the contest, is: "What I Would Tell America's Founding Fathers."

Students begin by competing at the local post level. Post winners advance to district, and district winners participate in the state competition. The state winners compete for $46,000 in awards, and first place wins $5,000.

Each year, around 126,000 students participate nationwide.

Deadline for student entries is Nov. 1. Interested students and teachers should contact their local VFW post for more information.

For details, visit

[Text from file received from Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of Illinois]

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