Students will collect pet food, treats and supplies. Also, a
container for collecting change and cash donations is available in
the school office. Donations from the public are welcome and can be
placed in the school library in Middletown.
The Humane Society of Logan
County is a not-for-profit organization committed to the
prevention of cruelty, abuse and neglect of animals. The
organization has a new shelter at 1801 E. Lincoln Parkway, Lincoln.
For more information about this project, call 217-445-2656.
Faculty sponsor for the project is Diane Bicknell.
sale Feb. 18 by Lincoln Jaycees
The Lincoln Jaycees are having a "Winter Rummage Sale" on
Saturday, Feb. 18, at the Lincoln Jaycees Center, 325 S. Chicago St.
Hours of the sale are 8 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m.
The Jaycees have booth space available for rent to the public.
Please contact Kim Frizzell at 871-4940 for information.
Items for sale include books, toys, clothes, household items and
much more. The proceeds from the sale will be used to help fund
upcoming community projects by the Lincoln Jaycees, such as their
Easter egg hunt.
The Lincoln Jaycees are a not-for-profit organization serving
Lincoln and the surrounding communities. The group gives young
people between the ages of 18 and 40 the tools they need to build
the bridges of success for themselves in the areas of business
development, management skills, individual training, community
service and international connections. Membership meetings are at 7
p.m. the third Thursday of each month at the Lincoln Jaycees Center,
325 S. Chicago St., and are open to everyone.
County Love 3rd Saturday Community Meal
The next community dinner provided by Logan County Love will be
on Saturday, Feb. 18, at St. John United Church of Christ, Seventh
and Maple streets in Lincoln. The meal will be served from 5 to 7
p.m. On the menu is spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and a dessert.
The dinner is open to the public; everyone is invited.
The meal is free but donations are accepted. Food donations will
go to a local food pantry, and cash donations will be used for the
next meal.
Meals are provided by Logan County Love the third Saturday of
each month.
To sign up for a home-delivered meal, contact Michelle Brinkley
at 217-254-2840.
to Care for Yourself"
Meeting the needs of a family member or friend who has memory
loss or Alzheimer's is a big undertaking. Vonderlieth Foundation is
partnering with Harbor Light Hospice and the new Mount Pulaski
Alzheimer's Support Group for an event aimed at providing support
and resources for those who are providing care for someone with
memory loss. The "Remembering to Care for Yourself" program will be
at Vonderlieth Living Center on Thursday, March 8, at 2 p.m.
Featured topics of discussion will
Caregiver burnout;
guilt tips and techniques
Safety in the home
Advance medical
Respite, long-term care and hospice
Speakers are LaRea Birt, R.N., B.S.N., and Michelle Matteson,
B.S. in psychology. There will be food and door prizes, and a chance
to get acquainted with the new Mount Pulaski Alzheimer's Support
Hartem FFA
consignment auction
The second annual Hartsburg-Emden
FFA consignment auction will be on Saturday, March 17. Items are now
being cataloged. The deadline if you would like your item to be
publicized in newspapers and on auctioneers' websites has been
extended to Feb. 15. Remember, no tires, fuel tanks, nonworking
appliances, pets, livestock or hazardous materials. Call, fax or
e-mail your list of items to:
The auction will be at the Orvil Township machine shed in
Proceeds from the auction go toward sending FFA members to the
Washington Leadership Conference.
Lutheran School second-quarter honor roll
High honors:
Fourth grade -- Will Messner; fifth grade -- Francesca Adubato,
Megan Benner, Noah Henry, Blake Hermes, Katie Lynn, Lane Prather and
Madeline Steiner; sixth grade -- Ashlan Broom, Nathan Ford, Emily
Messner and Kathryn Nobbe; seventh grade -- Danielle Burgrabe,
Claire Conrady, Heather Heidbreder, Brooklyn Hermes, Zack Prather
and Anna Sielaff; eighth grade -- Lexie Groves
Third grade -- Ysabella Adubato, Moriah Prather and Will
Stambaugh; fourth grade -- Madelyn Koehler, Isaiah Prather, Greyson
Rademaker and Noah Butler; fifth grade -- Grace Montgomery and
Carter Robison; sixth grade -- Katie Hunsley and Emma Ritterbush;
seventh grade -- Sydney Johnson, Isabelle Thompson and Hailie
Williams; eighth grade -- Elizabeth Ford and Joe Ahrends
Honorable mention:
Third grade -- MacKenzie Hall and J.R. Lynn; fourth grade --
Natalie Miller; fifth grade -- Sydney Johnson and Kalyn Roberts;
sixth grade -- Emma Cooper, Gabbie Cox, Lance Podbelsek, Mya Roberts
and Tori Tripplett; seventh grade -- Kalyn Roberts; eighth grade --
Rachel Podbelsek, Drew Simmer and Ben Steiner.'
[to top of second column] |
Catholic School announces February Students of the Month
Each month, teachers at Carroll Catholic School select two
students from first to fourth grade and two students from fifth to
eighth grade to receive Student of the Month awards. Students are
chosen based upon Christian attitude, cooperativeness,
courteousness, self-discipline and effort.

February Students of the Month are Lauren Powell, eighth grade;
Emma Cameron, sixth grade; Lexy Raffa, third grade; and David
Morrow, first grade.
Pulaski Rotary Club scholarship announcement
The Mount Pulaski Rotary Club is offering Mount Pulaski High
School seniors the opportunity to apply for scholarships through a
Rotary Club program again this year. Applications for the
scholarships may be obtained from the high school
guidance counselor's office.
Scholarship opportunities for young women
This year, the Zonta Club of Lincoln is able to offer two
different scholarships for young women. The first is Zonta
International's Young Women in Public Affairs, and the second is
Zonta Club of Lincoln's Women's Career Scholarship.
The goal of the Young Women in Public Affairs program is to
encourage more young women to participate in public affairs by
recognizing a commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of
volunteer leadership achievements and a dedication to the
advancement of the status of women.
The YWPA scholarship is open to women of age 16-19 who are living
or studying in a Zonta district at the time the application is
submitted to the district. They DO NOT have to be Logan County
residents to apply.
Note: The application deadline for the local award is Feb.
The second scholarship being offered is the Women's Career
Scholarship, which is open to any Logan County woman. The school to
be attended need not be an Illinois institution; however, it must be
accredited or recognized as an approved program in the field of
study. Top candidates will be selected based on merit, activities,
leadership, honors, awards and need. Awards are offered on a
one-academic-year basis and applicants can reapply year after year.
Students having less than one academic year remaining until
graduation are not eligible for consideration.
Deadline for this scholarship application is March 19.
Applications for both scholarships are available at local high
schools, colleges and university guidance offices.
More information is available in a Jan. 25 LDN
For further information or to obtain either application, contact
Christel Huff, chairman, Zonta Club of Lincoln Scholarship
Committee, 211 Latham St., Lincoln, IL 62656; phone 217-732-3305
(home) or 217-737-4470 (cell); or email The applications can be emailed
to applicants.
Illini Central announces January Student of the Month Jenny

Ed Jodlowski, Illini Central
principal; Jenny Johnson; and Bob Werner, executive
vice president of 1st State Bank of Mason City
The 1st State Bank of Mason City and Illini Central High School
presented Jenny Johnson with the January Student of the Month Award.
For demonstrating outstanding character, Jenny receives a $50
savings bond from 1st State Bank and an iTunes gift card from the
Illini Central High School faculty.
Jenny is the daughter of Greg and Becky Johnson. Her classes this
year are Web Design, Advanced Computers, Advanced Placement Biology,
Spanish 4, Physical Education, Advanced Placement Literature and
Composition, Government, Leadership, and Student Service.
In addition, Jenny keeps busy with several extracurricular
activities. She is president of National Honor Society, president of
Spanish Club, co-captain of cheerleading, a member of Drama Club and
works on the school newspaper, PawPrint.
Outside of school, Jenny is a student leader of the Green Room
youth group.
Jenny plans to attend Lincoln College for two years and then
transfer to a university, where she will major in elementary
education and children's ministry.
College honors lists for fall 2011
Lincoln College recognizes the following area students for their
academic achievement in the fall 2011 semester:
Dean's list (3.25-3.74 GPA) -- Kylie Ash, Lincoln; Angela Bell,
Hartsburg; Luke Donath, Lincoln; Shelby Leigh, Lincoln; Casey
Perrine, Mason City; Kelsey Wendlandt, New Holland
President's list (3.75-3.99 GPA) -- Colleen Baker, Mason City;
Jared Nolan, Lincoln; Jordan Rich, Emden
Special honors (4.0 GPA) -- Casey Barretts, Clinton; Michelle
Brawdy, Lincoln; Sarah Edwards, Lincoln; Nathan Graham, Mason City;
Thomas Hilton, Mason City; Kelsi Maaks, Lincoln; Meghan Moore,
Elkhart; Taylor Perry, Lincoln; Lindsey Sanders, Lincoln; Alex
Schonauer, Lincoln