The statewide average precipitation for 2011 in Illinois was 45.62
inches -- 5.43 inches above the 1981-2010 average of 40.20 inches.
It was also the wettest April, eighth-wettest June and sixth-wettest
November on record.On the other hand, it was the sixth-driest
August and 21st-driest October on record.
The statewide average temperature for 2011 in Illinois was 53.0
degrees -- 0.8 degrees above the 1981-2010 average of 52.2 degrees.
It was the 23rd-warmest year on record. It was also the
fourth-warmest July, the seventh-warmest November and eighth-warmest
December on record. Yet it was the 17th-coldest January and
10th-coldest September since 1895.
Du Quoin came close to reaching the state record for annual
precipitation when it reported 72.11 inches. The state record was
74.58 inches, set in New Burnside in 1950.
However, not everywhere was so wet in 2011. A few sites in
central and western Illinois reported 30 inches or less of
precipitation. These included Lake Springfield with 25.34 inches and
Illinois City Dam 16 with 27.47 inches. Springfield was one of the
driest major cities, with 30.61 inches reported at the airport.
The Illinois State Water Survey at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, a division of the Prairie Research Institute, is
the primary agency in Illinois concerned with water and atmospheric
[Text from file received from
the Illinois
State Water Survey] |