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Yemen: 1 killed at southern secessionist march

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[July 07, 2012]  SANAA, Yemen (AP) -- A Yemeni security official says clashes between secessionist demonstrators and the army in the southern port city of Aden have left one protester dead and another 17 people including three soldiers wounded.

The secessionists were commemorating Saturday the anniversary of the capture of Aden by forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh during the country's 1994 civil war.

South Yemen was once a separate country before it merged with North Yemen under Saleh in 1990. Many there feel unfairly treated by the northerners.

Other protests in the south were peaceful despite the presence of the army supported by tanks and armored vehicles. But the officials said some demonstrators in the Aden march fired weapons at soldiers.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity according to regulations.

[Associated Press; By AHMED AL-HAJ]

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