Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sports News

Calif. bill would ban violent fans from pro sports

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[March 15, 2012]  SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- A bill has been proposed in the California state Assembly in an effort to prevent violence such as last year's near-fatal beating of a San Francisco Giants fan at Dodger Stadium.

The proposal would call for the nation's first sports "ban list" and would block unruly fans from attending professional games anywhere in the state for up to five years.

The Sacramento Bee reports ( that the ban would apply to those convicted of felonies, such as assault.

Less serious crimes, such as abusive heckling and throwing beer, would not fall under the bill's domain.

The proposal would not apply to college or minor league teams.

Democratic Assemblyman Mike Gatto of Los Angeles introduced the measure.

[Associated Press]

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