Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sports News

Lynx rally, fall short at Benedictine, dropping pair

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[March 15, 2012]  SPRINGFIELD -- Lincoln College scored three runs in the seventh inning but stranded the tying run on second and fell 6-5 to Benedictine University after a 12-2 loss in the first game.

Lynx pitching surrendered 14 walks in only 11 innings despite outhitting and fielding the Bulldogs.

Bryan Madero (Puerto Rico) suffered his first loss of the year in the first game, and Anthony Jerrall (Fort Wayne, Ind.) received the loss in the second game after walking five and hitting one batter.

Derek Steiner (Belleville) went 2 for 4 with two doubles and two RBIs to lead the Lynx offense in the second game.

The Lynx travel to St. Louis, Mo., today (Thursday) to play Fontbonne University.



Lincoln College baseball

[Text from file received from Lincoln College]


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