During his nine-year Scouting career, Kevin has advanced through
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, earning 28 merit badges on
his way to Eagle Scout. The rank of Eagle is earned by 2 to 4
percent of Boy Scouts each year. He successfully led the troop in a
project to build 12 park benches for Little Galilee Christian Camp
in Clinton, a camp that he has been a part of and has been inspired
by. Kevin has also participated in National Youth Leadership
training at Ingersoll Scout Reservation. He has served as senior
patrol leader for the troop and has been inducted into the Order of
the Arrow honor society. This summer he plans to complete a
two-week, 62-mile backpacking trek through the mountains of New
Mexico with members of his troop.
Troop 1102 Scoutmaster Robert Cox presented Kevin with his Eagle
Badge during the Court of Honor.
After graduating from Lincoln Community High School, Kevin hopes
to enter the medical field.
[Text from file received]