Coach Gardner started the evening by thanking so many who have
helped with the LCHS wrestling program: assistant coach Jason
Lawrence, JV coaches James Grimaldi and Sam McShane, and volunteer
coaches Justin Deitrich and Dan Heineken.
Gardner took time to recognize Walt Landers of Lincoln Youth
Wrestling and Alex Dawson of the junior wrestling program. A show of
hands from the parents whose kids had gone through these programs
demonstrated an increase in interest for the wrestling program.
Of course, the coach took time to thank his family for putting up
with the crazy hours he keeps during wrestling season.
After thanking the wrestlers and their parents for their
commitment to the program, he introduced Dan Fulscher and invited
him to speak to the audience about the rule changes for the upcoming
Fulscher, an IHSA official, has been involved on the local, state
and national level. He is up-to-date with the latest rules and
happenings in the wrestling world and had some important news to
share. He said that there would be changes regarding uniforms,
special equipment, wrestler conduct and weigh-in procedures. Then,
he explained that the change to the out-of-bounds ruling was "the
biggest change in 50 years."

He went on to say: "Never before have we worried about the
wrestler's elbows or hands being out of bounds; always keyed off the
feet and the knees. (It will be) very difficult on the officials
this year."
This rule change will shorten the wrestling mat 2 to 3 feet. It
will make it safer for the wrestlers but will significantly lower
the scores.
Coach Gardner's brother, Greg Gardner, received a standing
ovation after speaking about his wrestling experience. He was the
city of Springfield's first state wrestling champ, competed at the
college level and was a high school wrestling coach at Southeast
High School.
Eight years ago, Greg was stuck by a car while jogging. He has
been paralyzed from the chest down since.
He shared that wrestling gave him "traits that define me and make
me the person I am today." He explained how he learned through
wrestling that he couldn't control the external factors. He couldn't
control how hard someone else worked out or what his teammates were
doing. He could only control internal factors and what he was doing.
He decided early on that wrestling "was never actually against your
opponent. It's me vs. me. In order to be better than average, I have
to work out more than others. I can control how hard I work and be
the best I can be."
His testimony made an impact on all who heard.
The evening concluded with Missy Koning, representative from the
boosters club. The boosters help pay for the trips, assist with
equipment and run concession stands. They host several fundraisers
during the year, including a golf outing in June and county fair
[to top of second column] |

She spoke about activities to support the wrestlers including a
pancake, sausage, biscuits and gravy breakfast at the Knights of
Columbus Hall on Sunday the 18th.
Koning encouraged the parents to become involved by volunteering
that day and encouraging their wrestler to sell tickets.
Coach Gardner is proud of his team and is looking forward to
a good season. He spoke with reporters after the program and
said: "They are good wrestlers; they are great kids, smart kids
who get good grades. They have a lot of chemistry and are really
into being good."
When asked about leaders, he responded: "Seniors on time for
practice. Seniors that handle themselves in a professional manner."
He would "love to see us win a regional title, but outside of
that I want to see us get better as the season progresses," he said.
Gardner ended the evening with this: "Lot of tough teams
throughout the years, but if this team is willing to work hard, this
could be the best team I've coached."
2012-2013 LCHS wrestling roster
Wrestler |
Year |
Ellegood |
9 |
Ferguson |
9 |
Seth Gleason |
9 |
Koeppen |
9 |
Max Konning |
9 |
Riddle |
9 |
Austin Swarts |
9 |
Cale West |
9 |
Bennett |
10 |
Luke Bramwell |
10 |
Dalton Byrne |
10 |
Cameron Cook |
10 |
Duong |
10 |
Lucas Jones |
10 |
Marten |
10 |
Brent Metelko |
10 |
Jonathon Orr |
10 |
Parker |
10 |
Stankavich |
10 |
Brewer |
11 |
Jacob Day |
11 |
Grant Johnson |
11 |
Luke Koning |
11 |
Chace Lumley |
11 |
Osborne |
11 |
Parker |
11 |
Tim Riddle |
11 |
Hayden Sloan |
11 |
Tiffany |
11 |
Brian Haggard |
12 |
Riley Reid |
12 |
Gerred Riedle |
12 |
Schmidt |
12 |
Andrew Wise |
12 |
