[November 20, 2012]
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The speech team from Zion Lutheran School in
Lincoln excelled
at the Illinois Elementary School Association speech contest at
Lincoln Junior High School.
Five Zion performances received both the top Judges' Choice Award
and a No. 1 rating. Judges' Choice Awards were presented to the top
performances in each of the judges' performance rooms. ZLS had more
Judges' Choice Awards than any of the other participating schools.
Students receiving Judges' Choice Awards and No. 1 ratings were
Danielle Burgrabe, Sydney Johnson, Claire Conrady and Kalyn Roberts
in group acting; Tori Tripplett and Katie Hoban in duet; Kathryn Nobbe
and Lauren Canady in improv; Emma Cooper and Kathryn Nobbe in duet;
and Katie Lynn and Madeline Steiner in duet.
A total of 12 Zion Lutheran performances received No. 1
ratings. These seven performances also received No. 1 ratings: Ashlan
Broom and Mya Roberts in duet; Megan Benner and Katie Hoban in improv;
Ashlan Broom, Gabbie Cox and Emma Cooper in group acting; Elijah
Burton, Carter Robison, Noah Henry and Blake Hermes in group acting:
Quentin Merreighn, Joel Robison and Braydon Simpson in group acting;
Ethan Goodey and Emily Messner in improv; and Joel Robison and
Braydon Simpson in improv.
Zion students who received No. 2 ratings were Megan Benner and Grace
Montgomery in duet; Elijah Burton and Michael Newhouse in improv;
Katie Hunsley and Olga Harris in duet; Lauren Canady and Lane Prather
in duet; Claire Conrady and Kalyn Roberts in mprov; Gabbie Cox and
Mya Roberts in improv; Tori Tripplett and Katie Hunsley in improv;
Grace Montgomery and Emma Cooper in improv; and Mya Roberts and Gabbie Cox
in improv.
Carter Robison and Quentin Merreighn received a No. 3 rating in improv.
The Zion Lutheran speech team was coached by head coach Autum Robison, Karen Burgrabe, Josh and Lisa Merreighn, and Chris Nobbe.
Pictures by Zion Lutheran School |

Quentin Merreighn, Joel Robison and Braydon
Simpson, ZLS eighth-graders, perform their small group acting entry.

Claire Conrady and Kalyn Roberts, ZLS eighth-graders, perform their
improv duet. |
