LCHS approaches tough times with balanced budget

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[September 04, 2012]  The Lincoln Community High School Board of Education met Aug. 21 for two reasons. Primarily, it was the board's regularly scheduled meeting. Before the meeting began, there was a public hearing to entertain any public thoughts on the budget for the new fiscal year.

The new budgets

The new budget for LCHS has been on display for the public to view, as per the guidelines the board has to follow. There were no comments from the public as to anything on the budget itself.

Superintendent Robert Bagby said that general state aid is going to be prorated this year at 89.16 percent. As a result, LCHS has lost $186,260. Bagby had received notice earlier in the day that special education personnel claims and private facility claims will have reduced rates as well, resulting in further loss of money from the state.

Bagby commented that despite the hardship, LCHS is one of only two schools with balanced budgets.

Costs in the upcoming 2013 budget include:

  • Educational fund -- $7,443, 433 will be spent out of $10,688,201. This fund includes items such as salaries, benefit costs, supplies and purchased services.

  • Operations and maintenance -- $1,074,974 will be spent out of $1,794,098. This fund is used to maintain the facility and the surrounding school grounds.

  • Transportation -- $485,988 will be spent out of $831,005. This fund is for bus purchasing, maintenance, driver salaries and other vehicle-related expenses.

  • Capital projects -- While there are no projects coming up for 2013, this fund will have only $180,000, which could disappear quickly, depending on what is being built. This fund pays for remodeling projects.

  • Tort fund -- $295,035 will be spent out of $558,593. This fund is for legal expenditures.

Board president Jim Mammen said the school looks to be in good financial shape.

"There are school districts out there that have cut programs, cut classes. Fortunately, we've been able to maintain everything and still reduce the tax levy," he said.

LTEC director Bret Hitchings also presented a balanced budget for that program. LTEC will not have to pay the costs of building a house for the building trades courses this year, which will save money. Hitchings also told the board that the house built last year by the students has been sold.

Hitchings reported that the enrollment for the building trades course is up from last year. The two houses that the students will be remodeling have been tested for asbestos and radiation and passed the tests. Soon the work can begin, after proper safety is covered in class.

Both budgets were approved by the board.

[to top of second column]

Other business

The board approved the employment of the following new employees:

  • A new speech coach

  • A new employee in the special education department, specializing in sign language interpretation

Approval was given for an employee to take leave under the Family Medical Leave Act, and volunteers for the upcoming fall play were approved.

Vice Principal Rhonda Hyde reported that LCHS has enrolled more students than were lost at the end of last year. The enrollment as of Aug. 20 was 874 students, including several who have moved in from out of state and a set of triplets.

Principal Todd Poelker reported that the first day of classes went well. There are seven new teachers this year. Poelker is confident they will do well.

Poelker also reported on the shift from three lunch periods to two, starting this year. The lunch periods, while full on student numbers, still operate smoothly. Poelker and Bagby expect there should not be too many problems, other than crowded tables.

Sam Knox reported that the athletic department is in need of an assistant tennis coach. The new tennis courts should be finished by the end of the week, and the new track is finished. Knox said the department has plans to keep vehicles off the track in order to prevent the type of damage that happened to the old track.

A presentation will be put together for the faculty concerning offering classes for local senior citizens. Interest was raised last month after Bagby received phone calls from multiple elderly people wanting to know if LCHS offered courses outside of the standard class times for adults.

Finally, LCHS is awaiting approval from the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, or SEVIS. Bagby met with Chinese school administrators, gave them a tour of LCHS and showed them the curriculum.

"One of the administrators said if we get approval, he will definitely send his daughter here. He was really impressed with what we offer the upper-track students," Bagby said.

Those present at the meeting were Jim Mammen, board president; Reatha Owen; Jim Allen; Mark Aughton; Burgandy Henderson; Marianne Krusz; Robert Bagby, LCHS superintendent; Todd Poelker, principal; Rhonda Hyde, vice principal; Bret Hitchings, LTEC director; and Sam Knox, activities director.


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