Legislators earning
Illinois Chamber ratings averaging 85 percent or better over the
previous two General Assemblies qualify for the Champion of Free
Enterprise Award. Of the 177 members of the Illinois General
Assembly, only 14 senators and 18 representatives qualified this
year for the biennial award.Chamber President and CEO Doug
Whitley says the ratings are designed to help the business community
identify those legislators, like Brady, who have made special
contributions in the defense of free enterprise and the furtherance
of economic opportunities for Illinoisans.
"Legislators that received the highest ratings this year
demonstrated a commitment to employer issues. They demonstrated a
serious commitment to government reforms that are essential to
reversing our state's negative image for excessive political
corruption and anti-business policies," Whitley said.
Issues used in the rating process are taxes, workers'
compensation and environmental policy.
[Text from file sent on behalf
Bill Brady by
Illinois Senate Republican staff]