"Happy Holidays" is the preferred greeting as we go about doing our
shopping and buying presents to exchange. Rudolf is seen flying through the air at the malls where the
money is changing hands.
Instant prizes are being offered by retailers to encourage us to
make this their best time of the year.
Stores entice us with early morning sales and 24-hour service
just to come in and make our selections to bring happiness through
the act of giving (and of course receiving as much as we can).
Tinsel Town is making merry with the older movies being shown
nonstop from morning until night.
Instantly we are transformed to a season where it's a wonderful
life, where the Grinch or Scrooge finally sees the light, and we all
witness a miracle on 34th Street.
Silently we watch and dream of simpler times past, and perhaps
better times in the future.

[to top of second column] |
 Kindness seems to prevail during this season, even as profits
Invitations are extended for parties and festivities where the
merriment is overflowing, sometimes with spirits that may cause some
revelers to overextend themselves.
Never mind that the stupor that may ensue is not preferred by the
one whose birthday is being celebrated.
Garland and gifts abound in this holiday season as the real reason
for the celebration is exchanged for the more commercial aspect and
politically correct sound of the "ka-ching" of the flowing cash.
In spite of the secular invasion of the celebration of Christ's birth, to find a valuable message in this article, write down the
letters you find as the first letter in the first word in each of
the sentences above.
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