Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Sports News

Lincoln Swish vs. Morton Heat

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[January 09, 2013]  The fourth-grade Lincoln Swish improved to 9-4 over the weekend as the Swish defeated the Morton Heat 33-8 on Sunday.

Leading all scorers was Dylan Singleton with 12 points, along with two steals. Keagan Ferguson had eight points and one steal. Landon Hullinger had four points, two steals and three rebounds. Karson Bonaparte had four points and six rebounds. Kyle Fry added two points and four rebounds, and Logan McDonald and Tanner Strampp each pulled down three rebounds.

The Swish host Danvers and Olympia this weekend on their home court. Games will be played at the LJHS gym at 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

[Text from file received]

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