Garage Sales
Huge Multi Family Sale
Friday, July 19, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday, July 20, 8 a.m.-noon
Lincoln Park District 1400 Primm
Collectibles, household,
holiday, shabby chic, high end
cosmetics at low end prices,
clothes. Lots of misc.
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Family Garage Sale
Fri. July 19 & Sat. July 20
7am ‘til noon both days
819 Pulaski St. (alley garage)
Stampin’ Up/Creative Memories
scrapbooking supplies,
clothing, household items, loads of fall,
Halloween & Christmas decorations, Party Lite Candles, books, ‘40’s &
‘50’s sheet music, piano/organ books, lots of misc. items
and beauty shop supplies.
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