"Lime is made of calcium carbonate, which is also an ingredient
in cement, so farmers feared using it. They thought it would
make the soil hard," said Robert Hoeft, U of I Extension
director in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and
Environmental Sciences.According to Hoeft, the use of lime is
just one example from the past 100 years of the value of
Extension, whose mission is to bring research-based information
to the public. Hybrid corn was another example.
"The process to produce hybrid corn was created by university
scientists and passed on to companies to grow and market the
seed to farmers. Extension played a large part in getting
farmers to adopt the use of hybrid seed by establishing
demonstration plots in farmers' fields. Planting these
demonstration plots near well-traveled roads gave farmers the
opportunity to visit them to observe the difference in disease
pressure and ultimately yield between open-pollinated and hybrid
corn," Hoeft said.

In the mid-1930s, many farm families, unlike their city
neighbors, did not have access to electricity. The combined
effort of county Extension staff and local citizens to create
rural electric cooperatives eventually brought electricity to
all of rural America. In later years, Extension also assisted
local leadership in organizing rural water systems. Today
Extension staff members are working with companies to expand
high-speed Internet systems to rural areas.
Although Extension's roots are in the rural agricultural
community, Hoeft said it has spread to urban areas of the state.
"Major efforts are being expended to improve the diets of
Illinois residents in both rural and urban areas -- diets that
will help reduce health problems associated with obesity,
including diabetes and heart disease," he said.
Hoeft said that food deserts -- areas in which people do not
have access to a full-service grocery store -- are problematic
in both rural and urban settings.
"Often they lack transportation to the store," he said.
One way Extension is addressing the problem in the East St.
Louis area is by leasing a bus one day per month to transport
people from the food desert area to a grocery store and by
providing them education as they travel to the store about how
to buy healthy food.
"On the trip back, Extension specialists provide education on
how to process and store the food that they bought," Hoeft said.
"Without this program, many of these people would have to
purchase groceries in a convenience store that doesn't carry
fresh fruits and vegetables. There are also some rural counties
where people have to drive 60 miles to get to a grocery store.
They have to shop at gas station convenience stores. We're
trying to address that problem," he said.
[to top of second column] |

The number of specialists per county may be fewer today than in the
1980s, but technology has allowed Extension to adapt and increase
its reach. Demonstrations are still an important component, but now
they can be distributed via the Internet, Hoeft said.
"Today people want information faster," he said. "Extension's
farmdoc website and its new mobile app is an example of how
Extension responded to farmers so that they can get information when
and where they want it. With a webinar, we can take a presentation
or demonstration right into their home. People can watch it at their
leisure, or if they watch it while it's being broadcast live, they
can type a question and get an answer from the presenter in real
Hoeft calls today's Extension specialists rock stars.
"We just need more of them to be able to listen to the public and
find out their needs so that we can conduct research to address
those problems," he said. "Right now about 10 percent of our faculty
in the College of ACES have an Extension component to their
position. We're working with other colleges at U of I and other
agencies to bring their expertise to our audiences," he said.
Extension units throughout Illinois are currently celebrating the
100th anniversary of the 1914 signing of the Smith-Lever Act that
established Cooperative Extension Services. A centralized
interactive website has been created with photos, Extension
highlights, a 100-years game and Pinterest accounts. The site
welcomes people to upload photos and comments to help document the
100-year legacy of University of Illinois Extension. Visit

"Those who were active in those first years of Extension in 1914
would be amazed at where we are today," Hoeft said. "And I can't
begin to envision where we'll be 100 years from now.
[Text from
news release posted by
University of
Illinois Extension] |