"It was a fantastic match to watch," said Hartem coach Jennifer
Hayes. "The gym was loud and electric, fans were cheering, it
was a great atmosphere to play in. The Stags brought a huge
crowd and student fan bus packed full of students ready to cheer
on their team. "After the match the champions went home in
style and were met by fire truck to parade through both towns
and had a reception at the high school to celebrate!"
The team was led by Tearaney Eads with 14 service points,
eight kills and three blocks; followed by Emme Olson with six
service points and eight kills; Anna Hayes with seven service
points and three kills; Kassy Eskew with two points and seven
assists; Hana McMullen with one point, two kills and one block;
and Lexi Barry with one point and six assists.
Other team members were Shyanna Conrady, Kaitlyn Perschall,
Jacke Coit-Kirk, Sierra Smith, Abbie Hoerbert, Olivia Garcia,
Lily Escobedo, Sami Perschall and Baylee Baker
[Text from file