"In the areas we studied in Bureau County with small wastewater
treatment plants (WWTPs), it was much cheaper to do pollution
control by installing just a few wetlands than it was to have
the WWTPs do the upgrades that would be necessary to achieve the
same thing," said U of I environmental economist Amy Ando.
Bureau County was selected for the simulation because it is
an area that has waterways with heavy nitrogen and phosphorus
pollution, and it is a rural area of the state, but with some
population density and a couple of wastewater treatment plants.
"In some ways, it's a poster child for an environment where a
program like this could work," Ando said. "There is enough
farmland to put in some wetlands, but there are also enough
people contributing to the WWTPs that are generating nutrients
-- so there are parties on both sides that could trade with each
The study analyzed the amount of land needed to reduce
nitrogen pollution, data on the costs of actual wetland
restorations, and other factors such as the opportunity costs to
the landowner from no longer farming the new wetland area.

"Wastewater treatment plants can already remove nitrogen, but
their current technology is only capable of removing them up to
a point," Ando said. "If they wanted to do more nitrogen
removal, they would have to make upgrades. The cost of
phosphorus removal isn't high, but for nitrogen, the upgrades
are pretty expensive."
Ando also explained that, depending on how environmental
permit markets are set up, if an area is set aside as a wetland,
the landowner could qualify for several incentive programs
through pollution trading markets, even if the original purpose
of the wetland conversion was only to reduce nitrogen.
"This is a big issue in the design of markets for ecosystem
services," Ando said. "A wetland does a lot of things. It will
filter out nutrients, but it also creates habitat for waterfowl,
and it might sequester carbon. The cost of installing a wetland
is large enough that in some cases no single payment might be
enough to convince a farmer to do it, but if they get paid for
the full value to society of all three benefits, then they might
be willing to do it.
"There's an almost violent debate among scholars and
environmental groups and people who are trying to get these
markets into place about whether farmers should be able to stack
payments. We were trying to be agnostic and just ask the
question, What effects would stacking have on market outcomes?"
she said.
[to top of second column] |

Ando said that, under some circumstances, if multiple payments for
the same action are not allowed, it can result in inefficiently low
levels of conservation activity on parcels of land that generate
nutrient removal and other benefits such as wildlife habitat.
However, some farmers may be willing to convert farmland to wetland
on the strength of just one payment.
"Ideally we want to pay farmers to create a wetland that they
would not have done anyway," Ando said. "But in some cases, they
might not need the extra incentive and would have been happy to do
it for the nitrogen payment alone. In our study area, we found that
allowing multiple payments may or may not make society as a whole
better off, depending on the details of the policy situation."
When questioned about the fairness of stacking credits, Ando
said: "Fair is a different question than efficient and from
cost-effectiveness overall. If multiple payments for a single
wetland don't increase the provision of ecosystem services relative
to single payments, then it's not cost-effective. Some of that money
could be used to pay a different landowner and get more services
overall. So there might be a trade-off between what seems fair and
just and what yields the greatest environmental benefit to society
for a fixed amount of money available for payments."
"Water Quality Trading with Lumpy Investments, Credit Stacking,
and Ancillary Benefits" was published in a recent issue of the
Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Additional
authors are Adam H. Lentz and Nicholas Brozović.
The research was funded in part by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National
Institute of Food and Agriculture.
[Text from file received from the
University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and
Environmental Sciences]