County Selected to Participate in Pilot Acreage Reporting Program
Informational meeting to be held Dec. 11th
in Bloomington
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[December 10, 2014]
Logan County FSA is looking for
volunteers within our county to assist in a USDA Pilot Program for
reporting data (primarily acreage reporting) to our office.
Producers who take part in the pilot program would provide acreage
report data, which would be shared with the FSA County Office and
crop insurance agents. Producers who utilize Precision Ag are
preferred, but not required.
During phase 1 of the project we are looking for 15-20 Logan
County producers who utilize precision ag when measuring planted
acres for the purpose of reporting acreage, including GPS
measurements. This would include all 2015 spring planted
commodities. The pilot phase would end on or around July 1st to
allow for any unforeseen outcomes that could prevent the
producer from timely reporting acres to the FSA office by the
July 15th deadline.
The producers who volunteer should have all 2015 farm changes
completed prior to the start of the pilot program and also have
signature authority for all producers on a farm. The producer
should also have high speed internet access to ensure the
infrastructure can handle data exchanges.
If you are interested in participating please contact the FSA
office at 217-735-5508 or email john.peters@il.usda.gov .
On December 11th, at 10:30am there will be an informational
meeting held in Bloomington, IL regarding this pilot program, at
which time you would meet with staff from the National FSA
office to get further information. If you could possibly attend
please let the office know as soon as possible to work out the
details. If you are not able to attend this meeting you may
still participate and will receive the information at a later
[USDA Farm Service Agency] |
