In contrast, the conservative perspective is that fossil fuels are in
abundant supply and available to the United States to keep America
self-sufficient for several generations in the future. The
conservative camp believes other countries are holding the United
States hostage by keeping prices of oil artificially high.
Additionally, the conservative groups believe the U.S. supports
terrorists in the oil-rich countries who are trying to do harm to
Americans. The conservative groups are calling for more drilling on
public lands and offshore to stop the dependency on foreign oil.
Alternatives to fossil fuels are found in nuclear energy, according
to the conservative group. Finally, the conservative groups want to
continue to develop the wind and solar sources of energy, but under
the free market system with private ownership, where research and
development can be completed with scientists in industry rather than
Therefore, regarding the issue of energy, as a voter, one must
decide if they are standing with the liberal side of the issue or
the conservative side of the issue. Generally, if agreement from the
voter is with the liberal perspective, the voter will vote for the
Democrat. If the agreement from the voter is with the conservative
perspective, the voter will vote for the Republican.

This article will address another issue to add to the individual's
"personal political profile." The issue addressed in this article is
gun control. America has operated under the Constitution of the
United States since the completion of the Revolutionary War in the
late 1700s.
In the United States Constitution, the Second Amendment, which was
ratified effective Dec. 15, 1791, gives citizens the
right to own and bear arms. The amendment reads: "A well regulated
Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Through the years there have been arguments regarding private
ownership and use of guns in the country. Throughout her history,
American citizens have generally not had their right of bearing arms
restricted except in some local areas where local law enforcement
officials have required guns be restricted from various places like
saloons. Americans have generally always owned guns, as evidenced by
the many gun clubs, antique gun clubs, shooting ranges, national
organizations supporting gun ownership and for the most part, the
federal government supporting the Constitution by not hampering citizen ownership of personal guns.
Over the years, however, there has been a movement to restrict the
right of citizens to own firearms. The most strident opposition
argument is the interpretation of the Constitution that guns are
restricted to the militia, which is controlled by the government.
The issue of gun ownership has evolved into an issue that is now
part of the political election cycles, with candidates taking one
side or the other as part of their political platform. It is not
surprising that the liberal and conservative points of view are in
opposition with each other.
Gun control Liberal perspective
The liberal camp believes the Second Amendment does not give U.S.
citizens the right to keep and bear arms. The broad interpretation
from that group is that the state or national government is the
responsible party to form and regulate the "Militia" or the military
of the United States and the National Guards for the respective
states. The liberal groups believe it is not the responsibility of
individuals to protect themselves with firepower; rather it is the
responsibility of the state and local law enforcement officials. Federal officers in all the law enforcement
agencies are authorized to carry and use guns for the protection of
others against those who are breaking the laws of the land. The
military is under the command of the civilian commander-in-chief
administering orders through the ranks of the commanders of the
various military branches.
The liberal groups believe there is a need for laws and regulations
that control the ownership and use of guns in the citizen ranks. It
is unnecessary for them to have any reason to form a militia, since
the federal government and state government have command of that arm
of security and protection.

[to top of second column] |
 Gun violence is often pointed to as a reason for citizens not
having guns in their possession. The liberal position is that guns
kill people, and the elimination or control of guns will result in
fewer killings. The belief is that violence results in violence and
if a citizen owns a gun, the likelihood of escalating violence is
increased when a gun is present.
Further, the liberal point of view is to regulate ownership with
laws and regulations that place heavy restrictions on anyone,
including those with criminal intent, from obtaining guns. The
liberal believes that large government agencies should have the
power to regulate, and even confiscate, guns when anti-ownership
laws are passed by legislators and Congress.
Conservative perspective
The conservative position is that the Second Amendment does give the
individual citizen the right to own and bear arms. The
interpretation of the U.S. Constitution according to that position is
that "Militia" does not mean only an organized military controlled
by the federal or state government. It means individuals have the
right to protect themselves and defend themselves against those who
would do them harm.
The conservative groups generally support the establishment and
enrollment of organizations that support the ownership and use of
guns. They take the stand that there are too many gun-controlling laws
and regulations for the law-abiding citizen. They believe there are
too many people who are motivated to break the law using guns when
they know beforehand the citizen is unarmed. They generally reject
the interpretation that they can be totally protected from harm by the
local and state law enforcement agencies. They believe time is of
the essence regarding the actual act of home intrusion or violent
acts perpetrated upon their person. They believe their protection
depends upon their ability to defend themselves during the travel
time it takes law enforcement personnel to arrive at the scene.
The conservative group also believes America's forefathers
envisioned a reoccurrence of a despotic government such as they
experienced with the king of England, perhaps
being an issue sometime in the future of the new nation they were
founding. The conservative group believes there might someday be
oppressors, not just "foreign" but "domestic" as well. At such a time
when the Constitution is being destroyed by those who want to take
dictatorial control, a "freedom-fighting" militia might be a
regional protection from those in a repressive government trying to
destroy freedom.

The conservative group believes there are too many gun control laws
and regulations that harm the law-abiding citizen but embolden the
criminal. They believe those additional laws have failed to repress
or prevent crime with guns, but the current laws on the books should
be enforced. They believe that criminals should not be given special
deals in courts with reduced sentences when it is known for certain
they have been found guilty of criminal gun violence. The
conservative group believes that the law-abiding citizen armed with a gun
s/he knows how to use properly is a deterrent to criminal gun
Therefore, regarding the issue of gun control, as a voter, one must
decide if they are standing with the liberal side of the issue or
the conservative side of the issue. Generally, if agreement from the
voter is with the liberal perspective, the voter will vote for the
Democrat. If the agreement from the voter is with the conservative
perspective, the voter will vote for the Republican.
So, as with the issue of energy, this issue of gun control adds to
the voter's personal political profile and will help guide the voter
through the election. Each candidate will be examined regarding
their standing, not just on their political party affiliation, but
how they stand on the issues of abortion, energy and gun control.
The candidate who matches the voter's personal perspective will win
the vote from that person. Again, this is very important not just in
the general election, but in the primaries as well. During the
primary cycle there is usually an array of candidates from the same
party, but with differing viewpoints regarding how they will
approach solutions for any given issue. So look for discussions
regarding more issues in the next articles.
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