The members of the
Logan County Board convened in adjourned session on the above date
in the first floor Courtroom. Vice-Chairman Dave Hepler called the
meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The pledge of the Allegiance to the
American Flag was led by Mr. Carlton.
Members Present:
Andy Anderson; Kevin Bateman; Terry Carlton; David Hepler; Bill
Martin; Pat O'Neill; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben; Jan Schumacher
Robert Farmer; Rick Aylesworth; Andrew Meister
Guests: Mark
Hilliard; Sally Gosda; Jan Youngquist; Dan Fulscher; Jessica Lema;
Jean Anderson; Jerome Vlahovich; Frank Rickord
A motion was
made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Martin, to accept and place on
file the minutes from the Adjourned Board meeting of September 17,
2013. Motion passed.

A motion was
made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to approve LO 12-13
91 – Bret Farmer to the Logan County Zoning Board of Appeals. Roll
call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed.
A motion was
made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve LO
12-13 92 – Maxine Lolling, RN to the Logan County Board of Health.
Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed.
A motion was
made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve LO 12-13
93 – Richard Bivin, MD to the Logan County Board of Health. Roll
call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed.
LO 12-13 89 –
Central Illinois Leathernecks
LO 12-13 90 – Garey's Tunis
A motion was
made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve the
raffles as presented. Motion passed.
Reports for the
month of September, 2013 were read by Clerk Sally Litterly as
Sheriff's report of
fees collected: $2,051.54
Sheriff's report of
expenses: $31.51
Clerk of the
Circuit Courts' report: Collections due to County General Fund:
$72,101.84 Collection of funds due to others: $54,875.22 Child
Support: $51,636.03
County Clerk &
Recorders fees collected: $35,854.53
Logan County
Treasurer's Cash Statement: September Revenue: $924,823.52 September
Expenses: ($787,058.60) September Balance: $1,801,750.17
Hotel/Motel Tax at
4.25%: $14,036.70 Special Use Hotel/Motel Tax .75%: $2,477.53
A motion was
made by Mr. Carlton, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to accept and place
these reports on file as read. Motion passed.
Chairman of
Committees reported the following:
Nothing to report.
Animal Control:
Nothing to report.

Building & Grounds:
A motion was made by Mr. Carlton, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to
approve Kone Elevator repairs in the amount of $14,450.00. Roll call
vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed. Nothing further to report.
Finance: A
motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Carlton, to
approve LO 12-13 84 – Resolution – Tax Sale – Richard Morrow. Roll
call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed. A motion was made
by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to approve LO 12-13 85 –
Resolution – Tax Sale – Robert Monts. Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0
no Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by
Mr. Bateman, to approve LO 12-13 86 – Resolution – Tax Sale – David
Marten. Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed. A motion
was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to approve LO
12-13 87 – Tax/Quit Claim Deed – Robert G. Long Jr. and Melanie A.
Pinkley. Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed. A motion
was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve LO 12-13
88 – Quit Claim Deed – James E. Briggs. Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0
no Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by
Mr. Carlton, to approve LO 12-13 97 – Resolution – EMA budget
amendment – FY 2013. Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Carlton, to
approve a probation contract for juvenile bed space (60 beds @
$80/bed). Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion passed. A motion
was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Carlton, to approve the
engagement letter from CliftonLarsenAllen. Roll call vote taken 9
yes 0 no Motion passed. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben,
seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to place the FY 2014 budget on display.
Roll call vote taken 8 yes 1 no Amended motion passed. A motion
to amend was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Carlton, to
approve an additional 1% increase for full-time non-union employees,
plus Janet Kvitle, in the salary line items of the FY 2014 budget.
Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion to amend passed. A motion
to amend was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher,
to revise the EMA Manager salary line item to $30,436 plus any
additional raise approved for non-union employees. Roll call vote
taken 4 yes 4 no Motion to amend failed. A motion to amend
was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to amend the
levy for the Tuberculosis Fund to $1.00 and to increase the levy for
the IMRF Fund by $45,999.00 on behalf of the Health Department. Roll
call vote taken 7 yes 2 no Motion to amend passed. A motion to
amend was made by Mr. O'Neill, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to
increase funding to the Regional Superintendent of Schools to
$62,000.00 Roll call vote taken 6 yes 3 no Motion to amend passed. A
motion to amend was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr.
Anderson, to reinstate a transfer of $12,000.00 from the General
Fund to the Animal Control Fund for the establishment of a Building
Pool. Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion to amend passed. A
motion to amend was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr.
Anderson, to increase the salary line item for the Assessor by an
additional 1% if the raises for non-union employees passes at 4%.
Roll call vote taken 9 yes 0 no Motion to amend passed. Nothing
further to report.