Building and
Grounds Committee Meeting
Logan County Safety Complex
December 3, 2013
Present: Kevin
Bateman; Bob Farmer; Andy Meister; Chuck Ruben; Jan Schumacher;
Terry Carlton (7:08 pm)
Guests: Dennis
Reves; Scott Martin; Ezra Martin; Justin Tischer
Mr. Bateman called
the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was
made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Meister, to approve the minutes
from the November 5, 2013 meeting. Motion passed.

Old Business:
1) Courthouse phone system: Mr. Carlton reported there have been
changes to the project in the type of servers and switches needed
for each location. Consideration is also being given to replacing
cable in the Courthouse. Office holders have indicated they would
cover the cost of replacing the cable to have a more stable system.
Programming information is being gathered for the new system. Viscon
has been asked to provide a wiring diagram to include all
infrastructure in the Courthouse. A motion was made by Mr.
Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve 25 hours at $85/hour for
the preparation of this diagram. Motion passed.
2) Safety Complex HVAC project: Bids that are received will be
scanned and sent to the consultant for review before recommending
the acceptance of any bid. The bid received from E.L. Pruitt was in
the amount of $255,559, with an alternate bid of $267,634 including
additional modifications. The bid received from Henson Robinson was
in the amount of $249,000, with an alternate bid of $293,000
including additional modifications. There is SEDAC grant funding
available in the amount of $15,000. Funding this project would
appear to be a problem. However, new statute allows counties to
borrow funds for projects like this.
3) Safety Complex roof: Consideration was given to replacing the
roof at the same time as the potential HVAC project. Funding would
need to be identified to make this project possible.
4) Bids for sandstone and step repairs: Mr. Bateman will contact
Rick Whiteman again asking for an estimate for these repairs. Mr.
Reves indicated he has done some minimal patching of the worst
5) Benches for Scully Park: Mr. Carlton will obtain a cost estimate
for consideration by the committee next month.
6) Logan County website: The current website is on an older platform
and consideration needs to be given to moving it to a newer
7) Courthouse IT budget: Mr. Carlton indicated more discussion can
take place later, once the infrastructure wiring diagram is
8) Natural gas contracting: Don Frontone did not attend the meeting.
Mr. Carlton will contact him to determine if a decision can still be
made in January.