Celebration of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
brings community together

Album 3

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[January 24, 2014]     Send a link to a friend 

Pictured to the left is Kenneth Jackson with a photo he took on a visit to Washington, D.C., in 2011.

Jackson is the son of Odell and the late Napoleon Bonaparte of Lincoln. He is also the grandson of Glen Alice Banks of Lincoln.

Both Napoleon and his mother, Glen Alice, were often active in causes that helped to promote equality among the races. Kenny and his siblings therefore grew up with a keen understanding and appreciation for Martin Luther King Jr.

Pictures by Nila Smith

Members of the Second Baptist Church Youth Choir.

A young soloist entertains the audience.


The young man on the top right enjoys singing an old-time gospel hymn.

Keynote speaker: the Rev. Dr. Carroll Richards.

The Lincoln College Chamber Choir prepares to sing "I'm Going to Live With God."

Their second number was "Here in the Power of Christ I Stand."


The Rev. Glenn Shelton delivers the benediction.


Pictured left to right: scholarship recipient 'Ed" Tookes, the Rev. Glenn Shelton, master of ceremonies Gary Davis, keynote speaker the Rev. Dr. Carroll Richards and Lincoln College President John Blackburn.


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