Thursday, July 17, 2014
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Logan County Board Minutes for the Road and Bridge Committee

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[July 17, 2014]  LINCOLN - Road and Bridge Meeting Blue Room, Logan County Safety Complex May 5, 2014

Present: Andy Meister- Chairman; Rick Aylesworth; Bob Farmer; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben
Absent: None
Guests: Bret Aukamp

Mr. Meister called the meeting to order at 7:34 pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to approve the minutes from the April 7, 2014 meeting as printed. Motion passed.

The list of claims for payments was reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded by Mr. Ruben to approve the list of claims for payment. Motion passed.

Monthly report on current maintenance and construction:  Mr. Aukamp reported the plows and salt spreaders have finally been removed from the trucks. Crews are getting equipment ready for summer sealcoat program. Crews are still spending time inspecting the road signs and making repairs as needed. Crews patched potholes and repaired road edges this month. A culvert was replaced near Burton View. Due to deteriorated condition of the existing metal pipe, a concrete pipe was installed. The crew is continuing to repair culverts south of Middletown. Many of these culverts are concrete pipes that are at least 50 years old. Most of the repairs involve re-setting the end sections and grading the areas at the culvert ends.

Constructions reports: No construction projects are active at this time.

Engineering Report: Mr. Aukamp reported he has spent several days for the past 4 years evaluating culvers that cross under the County Highways. Each year he inspects the culverts under 30-35 miles of roadway. This results in a 5-year rotation for culvert inspection. We have 344 small culverts that were never inspected or inventoried until 4 years ago.

Old Business: None

[to top of second column]

New Business

Sealcoat program for 2014
Review planned roads for 2014:
Mr. Aukamp handed out a map for the committee to look over.
Request for sealcoat assistance-various municipalities and other entities: A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve sealcoat assistance with other municipalities and other entitles. Motion passed.

Resolution to award 2014 MFT contract for Bituminous Materials to the lowest responsible bidder. Letting schedule for May 6 at 10:00a.m: A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to approve contract for Bituminous Material to the lowest bidder. Motion passed.

Results of recent IDOT letting for Nicholson Road resurfacing project: There were two bidders: P.H Broughton at $869k and Illinois Valley Paving at $838k. Mr. Aukamp concurred with awarding the bid to Illinois Valley Paving. Federal funding will cover $640k of the project, which means the $200k will be coming from County Matching Tax fund.

A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:00 pm.


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