Friday, May 23, 2014
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National EMS Week observed
Logan County's Paramedic Association recognized

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[May 23, 2014]  LINCOLN - This week we honor those who are on the front line of emergency medical services. The paramedics at Logan County's Paramedic Association are the dedicated medical personnel that provide the day-to-day lifesaving services for Logan County.

The LCPA participates with other medical providers and well as local emergency response agencies in public education and awareness activities, and in interactive exercises all year round. The LCPA has developed a working collaborative agreement with Lincoln Rural Fire Department that provides the best possible response time and care for those needing its services.

In March the LCPA were at the Lincoln Park District during both the Kid’s, and the Community Health Fairs. They took an ambulance and did tours of the inside so that people can see and become familiar with what is inside, so that it is less scary for anyone, especially children, before they or a loved one might need to ride in one.

In September, personnel were on-hand with an ambulance for display joining a number of other local, regional and state emergency response agencies at the annual "Emergency Preparedness" held at Scully Park.

All year, the LCPA works with numerous local and state first response and support agencies in preparation for any disaster. These include the Logan County Department of Public Health, Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital, Logan County Emergency Management Agency, Lincoln Fire Department, Lincoln Rural Fire Protection District, Lincoln Police Department, Logan County Sheriff's Department, Logan County Coroner's Office, Lincoln/Logan Crime Stoppers, American Red Cross, Salvation Army and others.

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Emergency responders go to many types of calls from medical to accident. There are often risks of exposure to violence, explosions, chemicals, being struck on icy roadways. Paramedics are nearly always part of any call-out for emergency services. Many times, those who serve at the scene of a disaster or accident, or even when called to a building or home, are putting their own lives at risk.

Thank a paramedic and any other responder you know today.


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