2% Foreign Fire Insurance 19,831.01,
Building Permits 63,366.31,
Plat Fees 466.50,
Circuit Clerk Fines 85656.52,
Donations 5,500.93,
Equipment Rental Receipts 114,728.50,
Franchise Fees 185,654.62,
Interest/Dividends 32,625.75,
Licenses & Permits 54,275.96,
Motor Fuel Taxes 356,276.21,
Parking Collections 5,978.49,
Hotel/Motel Tax 39,778.62,
Property Tax 1,804,658.06,
Replacement Tax 337,543.48,
Sales Tax 2,877,209.15,
Non Home Rule Sales Tax 778,698.14,
Sewage Receipts 3,022,820.17,
State Income Tax 1,402,466.30,
Telecommunications Tax 409,692.69,
Utility Tax 449,768.42,
Violations 3,383.10,
TIF District Tax Increment 983.63,
Housing Authority Distribution 3,321.69,
Mobil Home Tax Distribution 2,477.71,
Forfeiture Tax 1,175.56,
New Liquor License Fee 2,500.00,
Outside Fire Protection 4,376.33,
Birth Certificates 1,319.00,
Death Certificates 15,466.00,
Lien Fees 5,441.83,
Sewer Taps 37,770.00,
Pull Tabs and Jar Games 2,250.24,
DCEO Grants 60,370.12,
State Grants (not included elsewhere) 150,927.97,
Other Grants 53,952.16,
Bond Proceeds 501,363.75,
Pension Contributions 258,192.10,
Salary Reimbursement 14,735.00,
Claims & Other Reimbursements 41,091.27,
Refunds 22,061.62,
Enterprise Zone Administration Fees 50,000.00,
Crop Proceeds & Land Rental 26,362.89,
Video Gaming Tax 75,866.87,
Misc. Income 990.10.

TOTAL REVENUES: $ 13,373,334.87
Under $25,000:
Melody Anderson, Sarah Aughenbaugh, Mary Bauer, Sandra Boyd, Candy
Buche, Bruce Carmitchel, Charles Conzo, Darren Cooper, Curt
Courtwright, Dawn Crowell,Virginia Davis, Jim Drew, Kendall
Fitzpatrick, Chase Fletcher, Jordan Gesner, Ben Grunder, Zo
Hennessy, Jeffrey Hoinacki, Kathleen Horn, Cori Ingram, Walt,
Landers, Keith Leesman, Amanda Lucas, Gene Mehan, Linda Myers, Heidi
Moore, Eric Morris, Martha Neitzel, Leah K. Newton, Tom O'Donohue,
Donnie Parker, Zach Rickford, Steven Roberts, Risa Riggs, David
Sielaff, Wilma Schmidt, Ruth Sloat, Keith Snyder, John Sutton,
Laverne Tesh, Jonette Tibbs, Kathy Vinyard, Marjorie Wheeler, David
Wilmert and Frederick Zimmer.
$25,000 to $49,999.99:
Craig Eimer, Joy Fulk, Susan Gehlbach, Tracy Jackson, Muzaffar
Lakhani, Kevin Logan, Brenda McCabe, Christopher Perrine and Philip
$50,000.00 to $74,999.99
Timothy Aper, Jason Bannister, John Bobb, Timothy Butterfield, Brian
Clements, Darren Coffey, Matthew Comstock, Paul Cooper, Miles Craig,
Steve Dahm, Andy Dexter, Christy Fruge, Michael Fruge, Michael
Geriets, Kenneth Greenslate, Charles Gunning, Christopher Harding,
Aaron Johnson, Maurice Johnson, Chad Kern,
[to top of second column] |

SALARIES cont. $50,000.00 to $74,999.99
cont. Timothy Kerns, Jason Kitner, Todd Koehler, John Lebegue; Jason Lucas, Kevin Lynn, Joesph
Meister, Mark Miller, David Oltmanns, Shawn Petit, Christopher Reed,
James Reed, James Rehmann, Benjamin Roland, Larry Schaub, Robert
Sherren, Larry Spurling, Kyle Strait, Bret Tripplett, Jason
Vanwinkle, Matthew Vlahovich, Christopher Whiteman, Ashley Williams,
Clinton Wombles, Robert Wood and Russell Wright.
$75,000.00 to $99,000.99:
Paul Adams, Robert Dunovsky,
TOTAL SALARIES: $3,699,845.80
Under $25,000.00:
Dorothy Mattingly and Wallace Sparks.
$25,000.00 to $49,999,99:
Roger Adams, Christine Bahn, Robert Bergman, Donald Buss, Donald
Cecil, Thomas Cecil, James Davis, Jr., Kenneth Ebelherr, Donald Fulk,
Larry Fulk, William Haak, Terry Lessen, Orville Lolling, Wayne
Lolling, Thomas Martin, Dallas Millard, Laura Molt, Richard
Montcalm, Richard O'Hara, Richard Papesch, Lyle Ruff, and Jeffery
$50,000.00 to $74,999.99:
Kendall Fitzpatrick and Robert Washam, Jr .
Under $25,000.00 :
Evelyn Armstrong, Robert Coons, Mary Dowdel, Herta Gleason, Carol
Holmes, Roy Holmes, William Krueger, Patricia Mann, Ronald Pasquale,
Ruth Pasquale, and Mary White.
$25,000.00 to $49,999.99:
John Bunner, Carol Coombs, Debra Coons, Donald Gleason, Douglas
Grieser, Robert Hahn, Michael Harberts, Leah Hardy, Lawrence Hill,
Gary Hurley, Mark Mann, Janet Maurer, Robert Rawlins, Thomas
Rowland, David Sielaff, Gregory Saylor, Sharon Shelby, Raymond
Vonderahe, Marjorie Wilmert, and Michael Yarcho .
$50,000.00 to 74,999.99:
James Davis, Sr., Harley Mullins, Ronald Robbins and Darrell Sisk.
List of Annual Expenditures by Vendor
[Chuck Conzo, Treasurer, City of