The fall 2014 Lincoln College Alpha Beta Epsilon chapter
inductees are: Casey Arr (Bloomington), Joan Bisco- Haney (Normal),
Stephanie Claudio (Lincoln), Matthew Costa (Springfield), Lee Drinan
(Bloomington), Kelli Hogan (Bloomington), Virginia Howard
(Bloomington), Brooke Kaufman (Lincoln), Andrew Kemp (Normal),
Joseph King (Gridley), Jennifer Miller (Bloomington), Megan Nelson
(Bloomington), Callie Neumann (Bloomington), Cathy Newberry
(Clinton), and April Smith (Bloomington).
Founded in 1945, Alpha Sigma Lambda is dedicated to recognizing high
scholastic achievement among adult students and encouraging those
students to continue toward their goal of an associate or
baccalaureate degree. The Lincoln College-Normal chapter has been
active since 2008.
[Tracy Bergin, Lincoln College] |
