PRESENT: Board of Health: Dr. David Hepler, Dr. Paul Kasa,
Mike Rohrer, Bill Sahs, Dr. Wm. Todd Walker Logan County
Department of Public Health: Mark Hilliard, Administrator; Sally
Gosda, Director of Finance
Guests: None
The meeting was called to order by Member Sahs at 7:02 p.m.
Introduction of Guests - None present.
Approval of Meeting Agenda - "Approval of the 2015 Holiday
Schedule" was added under New Business. Member Hepler made a motion
to approve the Meeting Agenda as amended; seconded by Member Walker.
Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Agenda - "May 12, 2014 Closed Session
Minutes" were added to the Consent Agenda. A motion was made by
Member Hepler to accept the Consent Agenda items as presented;
seconded by Member Kasa. Motion carried.
Administrative, Health Education, & Dental - Mr. Hilliard
brought the Board's attention to the fact that he had included his
activities for the balance of July and August on the calendar since
this is his last Board of Health meeting.

Dental - Mr. Hilliard reported that dental activity was over
last month's with 3 clinic days remaining in the month of July. The
clinic continues to have an influx of new patients, however Dental
is down 8.9% when comparing FY2014 with FY2013. Mr. Hilliard
referred the Board to the Patient Analysis and Provider Productivity
Reports included at the back of his report.
Finance - Ms. Gosda reviewed the financials included in the
board packet: May and June 2014. Ms. Gosda explained the
May-Adjusted report incorporated the FY2013 audit adjustments. As of
June 30, 2014, the deficit stands at just over $294,000. Grant
receivables as of the time of the meeting stood at $53,000-the
lowest receivable since she began tracking grant receivables.
Ms. Gosda also reported that the data has been submitted for the
FY14 6-month Home Health Cost Report. Results should be available at
the next Board of Health Meeting.
Nursing and Home Health - Mr. Hilliard reviewed highlights
from the Nursing Report (Ms. Heyer was on vacation.) IBCCP lead
agency activities transitioned to Sangamon County pretty smoothly.
Marcia Dowling retired effective June 30 and Margie Dollinger is now
splitting her time between Home Health and Public Health activities.
The Breastfeeding Task Force has been adopted by the Healthy
Communities Partnership. An air-conditioned area for breastfeeding
moms will be present at the Logan County Fair.
Mr. Hilliard reported that he was notified by Fazzi Associates that
our agency ranked in the top 25% of home health agencies for the
2013 survey questions indicating Overall Satisfaction and Likelihood
of Recommending. A press release will be forthcoming.
Emergency Response - Mr. Hilliard reported that the Emergency
Preparedness grant wound down June 30; all deliverables were met and
all funds expended. The application and budget for FY2015 have been
submitted. Funding for 2015 is up by about 4% over 2014.
Environmental Health - Mr. Hilliard reported about a piece of
legislation enacted during the most recent legislative session,
requiring all food workers to complete training and be certified in
safe food handling. This extends the requirement from having one
certified person on duty to all food service workers. Don Cavi
developed a training program to fulfill these requirements that has
been approved by the State. The class will be offered here at the
Health Department at a cost of $20 per person. Online and other
options for fulfilling this requirement are also available.

Old Business
Statement of Economic Interest - Mr. Hilliard asked that if
anyone has not completed the Statement to please do so at his/her
earliest convenience and turn it in to him.
Open Meetings Act Training - Mr. Hilliard reminded the Board
members to complete the training if they hadn't done so and turn in
their certificates to him.
IBCCP Program Termination - Mr. Hilliard reported that all
records were transferred to Sangamon County Department of Public
Health, the new lead agency assuming responsibility for the Health
Department's counties. An inventory list was provided to IDPH of all
property purchased with IBCCP funding. IDPH advised that they do not
want any of the equipment returned.
FY13 Home Health Audit Approval - Mr. Hilliard stated that
the Audit was reviewed with the Board at the May meeting but it was
not voted on. Member Hepler made a motion to approve the FY13 Home
Health Audit as presented; seconded by Member Kasa. Motion carried.
IDPH Approval of Dianna Heyer's Appointment - Mr. Hilliard
reported that the Director of the Illinois Department of Public
Health has approved Dianna Heyer's appointment as Administrator of
the Logan County Department of Public Health effective September 1,
2014. A copy of the letter dated June 10, 2014 was included in the
Board packet.

[to top of second column] |

New Business
Community Transformation Grant Application (CDC) - Mr.
Hilliard reported that the Health Department currently has a
Community Transformation Grant, "We Choose Health" composed of
three programs: Safe Routes to School, Smoke-Free Public Places,
and Coordinated School Health. Notification that the grant was
going to be discontinued after this grant term was received in
the spring. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has rolled out
a new Community Transformation Grant. A grant application
requesting funding for Logan County and other counties (map
illustrating county partners was distributed) is being submitted
to continue these programs. The partners are currently receiving
We Choose Health funds and the application proposes that funding
be granted to continue support for these activities.
Notification of awards is scheduled to take place in September
2014. Food Establishment Inspection Review - Mr.
Hilliard distributed and reviewed an update on Hibachi Grill
inspections. They had historically had low food inspection scores.
The update shows continued improvement, allowing the Environmental
Health staff to return to a regular inspection schedule unless
further problems are reported or identified.
Regional Public Health Forum - Mr. Hilliard referred the
Board to a letter included in the packet from Greg Chance, Public
Health Administrator of the Peoria City/County Health Department.
Mr. Chance is proposing a meeting with Health Department
Administrators and Board of Health members in the area with the
intent to evaluate the changing role of health departments. No
action is required at this time.
Health Care Reform Initiatives - Mr. Hilliard shared bullet
points that Dianna Heyer put together regarding the impact of
Medicaid Managed Care on the Health Department and the steps needed
to meet the changes to allow us to continue to provide services and
receive reimbursement for them. The contracting required opens doors
to opportunities to contract with private insurance to provide and
bill for services to the private sector, hopefully generating a new
revenue stream.
 Revisions to the Board of Health Bylaws -
Mr. Hilliard stated that the Bylaws hadn't been updated since March
2004. The Health Department's Personnel Policies are also under
review and revisions will be presented at the next Board of Health
meeting. Mr. Hilliard reported that items f) through I) are new
under Section 6.02 - Ethics of the Bylaws. These are updated to
correlate with the employees' guidelines in the Personnel Policies.
A motion was made by Member Kasa to accept the additions/revisions
to the Bylaws as presented in Section 6.02 - Ethics; seconded by
Member Hepler. Motion carried.
Administrator Power & Authority Resolution - Mr. Hilliard
explained that this is the formal Resolution authorizing Dianna
Heyer to act on behalf of the Board of Health effective September 1,
2014. A motion was made by Member Hepler to approve the Resolution
as presented; seconded by Member Walker. Motion carried.
FY15 - Mr. Hilliard reported that the Health Department's
budget presentation to the County Finance Committee is tomorrow at
1:00 p.m. The initial draft includes expenses for building repairs
and replacement computers. Staff is using several units operating on
Windows XP which is no longer supported by Microsoft. Due to the age
of the units, they cannot be upgraded and need to be replaced.
Dollars are also budgeted for possibly replacing the sensor on the
x-ray machine. Replacing both the adult and child sensors will cost
about $12,000. The Woods Foundation has been contacted for a
possible grant. Mr. Hilliard received word tonight that the
Foundation is willing to help with that expense. More on the budget
will be forthcoming at future meetings.
2015 Holiday Schedule - Mr. Hilliard distributed a copy of
the proposed holiday schedule for 2015. He explained that this item
is usually voted on later in the year but due to clinic schedules,
it will help to have it approved earlier. Member Hepler made a
motion to accept the 2015 Holiday Schedule as presented; seconded by
Member Rohrer. Motion carried.

Press - Included in the packet
Other - Nothing to report
Announcements - The retirement reception for Mr. Hilliard
will be Friday, August 29, 2014 in Conference Room B of the Health
Department from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Adjournment - A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by
Member Kasa; seconded by Member Walker. Motion carried and the
meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m. The next meeting is Monday, September
8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
[Copied from Logan County website] |