Present: Jan Schumacher; Gene Rohlfs; Bob Farmer; Steve
Nichols; Dennis Reves; Dan Fulscher; Terry Storer; Kendall
Caruthers; Mallory Sinner; Mary Kelley;
Absent: Bret Aukamp; Julie Parker; Pat O’Neill; Mike Bruce;
Mallory Garey; Vicki Dugan
Guests: None
Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Fulscher, to
approve the minutes from June 2, 2014 meeting. Motion passed.

Old Business
Disaster Recovery Plan: The committee hired Chris Baker to
work on the IT plan. Mr. Baker plans to have the plan done by
August. Committee will meet in August to review the plan.
Upcoming Drills: The committee is working on planning a
severe weather drill and an active shooter drill. The committee
plans to have the severe weather drill in September and the active
shooter drill in October. Mr. Nichols will talk to the judges to see
if they could participate in the drill.
[to top of second column] |

AED’s: Mrs. Schumacher discussed the idea of having
Mrs. Meagher, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Marlin and Mrs. Freese trained
on the AED machine in the event the machine would need to be
used at a County Board Meeting. Mr. Nichols will talk to one of
his deputies that is trained on the AED machine to see if he is
available to train the ladies.
Sidewalk Repairs: Mrs. Schumacher reported the sidewalk
has been repaired.
New Business: None
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Fulscher, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 10:30 a.m.
[Copied from Logan County website]