Wednesday, October 22, 2014
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Logan County Board
August Finance Meeting

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[October 22, 2014]  LINCOLN - Logan County Safety Complex, Blue Room August 12, 2014

Present: Chuck Ruben-Chairman; Andy Meister; Bob Farmer; Rick Aylesworth; Jan Schumacher Absent: Andy Anderson
Guests: Sally Gosda; Jonathan Wright; Gene Rohlfs; Denise Martinek; Jan Youngquist; Pamela Meagher

Mr. Ruben called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

A motion was made by Mr. Farmer seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2014 meeting as printed. Motion passed.

Old Business

Budget 2015: The committee received copies of the first draft of the FY15 budget. It was reviewed in detail and corrections were made. Mrs. Meagher will revise the draft and provide a second draft for the committee’s review.

Adjust Building and Grounds budget for FY14: Mr. Ruben indicated a budget amendment is necessary to cover the first half of the cost of the Courthouse elevator project. A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to transfer $70,000 from the fund balance of the County Farm account (110-00- 59014) to the Building and Grounds pool (101-21-56102). Motion passed.

New Business

Non-union salary line item: A motion was made by Mr. Meister; seconded by Mr. Aylesworth to increase the non-union employee salary line item for each department by 3% in the draft budget. Motion passed.

Change in Airport budget: These changes were discussed previously in the meeting.

[to top of second column]

Credit card for office travel: It was suggested the County obtain a credit card to be used for employee travel or supply expenses that cannot be purchased by invoice. Mrs. Dugan will obtain one or two cards, which will be kept in the Treasurer’s office for safekeeping when not in use. Receipts and statements will be provided to the Treasurer for review and approval. Mrs. Dugan and Mrs. Meagher will get together to work out the details.

Safety Complex lease: Because of the recent work done to improve the Safety Complex (flooring in the City squad room, roof, HVAC), it was suggested the lease be revisited. A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to raise the Safety Complex lease to $35,000 annually and send a letter to the City of Lincoln with the new amount. Motion passed.

(end of new business)

Mr. Meister reviewed expenses for the committee. The “salary of extra help” continues to be higher than expected, but this has been previously discussed and resolved. Courthouse and park maintenance also continues to be over budget.

Mr. Aylesworth reviewed revenues. Revenues look appropriate at this time. He also pointed out that an extra $1000 was received by Bob Farmer for the Scully Trust.

A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded by Mr. Farmer to approve the bills. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mr. Meister, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:33 p.m.

[Copied from Logan County website]

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