The.following members were in attendance: Pat O'Neill - Logan
County, Andy Anderson - Logan County Alternate, John Utterback - Mt.
Pulaski, Ivan Rademaker - Emden, Doris Last - Hartsburg and Michele
Rohlfs - Agency Coordinator; a quorum was not present.
APPROVAL OF JULY MINUTES: The July minutes were unable to be
approved as there was not a quorum present.
PAYMENT OF BILLS: The August 2014 bills were presented for payment.
Mr. Ivan Rademaker made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Mr.
John Utterback; all present approved and the motion carried.
2015 ASSESSMENT UPDATE: To date, a total of $59,634 in
assessments has been collected. Middletown and New Holland have paid
in full, second assessments are due from Lincoln, Mt. Pulaski,
Atlanta, Elkhart, Emden and Logan County and full assessments are
due from Broadwell and Hartsburg. Second assessments are due October
31". Ms. Rohlfs will be mailing second notices early in September.

UPDATE ON DRIVER STATUS: Agency driver, Mr. George Fishburn,
received his hearing aids Friday, August gth and passed his CDL
physical August 13'h. He went to Springfield today to take his CDL
test, which is now done on a computer. Being unfamiliar with this
type of test-taking, Mr. Fishburn failed the test but is planning to
retake it next week. Mr. Todd Godbey will continue to run the route
with Mr. Fishburn assisting.
UPDATES: Electronics collections continue to be held on a
monthly basis through Habitat for Humanity. Old electronics and TV's
continue to collect in steady quantities. When amounts begin to
decrease; collection dates may be readjusted. Ms. Rohlfs will not be
present for September's glass collection. Mr. Fishburn will be
working in Ms. Rohlfs' place; the Lincoln Women's Club, co-sponsor
of the collection, is aware of Ms. Rohlfs' absence. Mr. Andy
Anderson asked if the Agency would again be picking up the empty
wine bottles from the Art & Balloon Festival. Ms. Rohlfs said yes
and Mr. Anderson stated he would let the vendors know where to set
the bottles for pickup.
Ms. Rohlfs met with the Finance Committee of the Logan County Board
to present the Agency’s budget. Ms. Rohlfs also presented a request
$830 to advertise the upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection;
the request was approved and the funds have been deposited in the
agency's account. Mr. Anderson stated that a Logan County Board
member had asked when the ads for the Household Hazardous Waste
Collection would start appearing. Ms. Rohlfs replied that all ads
and promotional material are ready to go, but she is waiting on
approval of promotional materials from an intern at the
Environmental Protection Agency. Once approved, print ads and other
promotional materials will be submitted for publication in county
newspapers and online in the Lincoln Daily News and the Logan County
Herald as well as posted on the Agency's website and Facebook page.

[to top of second column] |

The Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held Saturday,
October 11, 2014 from 8 AM to 3 PM at the Logan County Fairgrounds.
This will be a rain-or-shine event. Volunteers are needed to serve
as survey takers and to assist with traffic control. Ms. Rohlfs has
divided the day into four 2-hour periods beginning at 7:30 AM and
ending at 3:30 PM. She has contacted the Lincoln Rotary and Kiwanis
Clubs and the LCHS National Honor Society and its Leaf Club, an
environmental group, seeking volunteers. Mr. Anderson stated that he
would '3SkJor volunteers from the group of kids that he works with
through the Rural Fire Department. At no time will any volunteer
handle any hazardous material(s), EPA contractors will be solely be
responsible for the handling of all hazardous materials. The
Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held on the east side
of the Logan County Fairgrounds; HHW traffic will enter through the
Short 11th Street entrance and will be routed between the racetrack
and the horse barns. The final glass collection of the year and
confidential paper shredding will be held from 9 AM till noon on the
west side of the fairground.
has run the route the last two weeks due to mechanical issues with
the truck; two fuel lines had to be replaced and a broken light
switch was fixed. A seal for the transmission has come in and been
replaced so the truck should be ready to go. Parts for repairs are
still available but finding them has become more difficult.
Ms. Rohlfs requests permission to join the
Illinois Products Partnership Committee. The Agency would not be. a
voting member as we don't hold membership in the Product Partners
Stewardship, but the agency will hold partner status. A letter of
agreement has to be signed but there is no membership fee. There was
no objection to Ms. Rohlfs joining this Committee; she will sign the
agreement and send it in.

Ms. Rohlfs spoke with Neal Rossi from IL
Department of Correction's Prison Industries. Prison Industries is
venturing into recycling, currently recycling only materials
generated within the prison system. They are recycling cardboard,
paper and metals and are currently trying to address the issue of
potential contraband if they were to accept materials from outside
the prison system. Ms. Rohlfs informed Mr. Rossi that the Agency
would like to discuss the possibility of collaborating on a
recycling program; this would save our Agency the time and cost of
traveling to 30+ miles to recycling facility. Mr. Rossi responded
that he would speak to IDOC administrators and _aim for a sit-down
meeting to discuss ideas.
Included in tonight's packet is a spreadsheet
showing the agency's Revenues and Expenditures on a monthly basis
generated by Ms. Rohlfs; the spreadsheet is current through June
Members were reminded that there will be no
September meeting; the next meeting will be on Wednesday, October
15, 2014.
The meeting ended at 7:39 p.m.
[Copied from Logan County website] |