Present: Dave Hepler – Vice Chairman; Bob Farmer –
Chairman; Rick Aylesworth; Kevin Bateman; David Blankenship; Emily
Davenport; Pat O’Neill; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben; Jan Schumacher
Absent: Andy Meister; Andy Anderson
Guests: Bret Aukamp; JoAnne Marlin; Mary Ellen Martin; Bill
Donath; Wanda Lee Rohlfs; John Wahab; Susan Shull; Jonathan Wright;
Jan Youngquist; Lisa Bobb
Mr. Hepler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Marlin
A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve
July 10, 2014 minutes. Motion passed.
Dr. Wahab spoke to the board on the impact of Catapult Wellness
Services decision and local health care providers. A motion was made
by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to take Catapult
Wellness Services off the table. Straw vote taken, motion passed. A
motion was mad by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to approve
participation in Catapult Wellness Services with a ten dollar gift
card to employees who participate. Straw vote taken, motion failed.
A motion to amend was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr.
Bateman, to also include a ten dollar gift to employees who go to
their own family doctor and bring back confirmation. Straw vote
taken, motion failed. A motion to amend was made by Mr. Rohlfs,
seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to eliminate the gift card. Straw vote
taken, motion failed.

Airport/Farm: Mr. Rohlfs reported 1,624 gallons of fuel were
sold in July. Nothing further to report.
Animal Control: Mr. Bateman reported Animal Control is
working on Ordinance revisions. Nothing to report.
Building and Grounds:
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to accept
KONE elevator bid. Straw vote taken. Motion passed. Mr. Ruben
reported committee approved $19,999 to replace the elevator
maintenance room.
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to allow
Humane Society to use Latham Park on September 20th from 10a.m-3p.m
for their annual fundraiser. Straw vote taken, motion passed.
Nothing further to report.
Chamber of Commerce: Mrs. Schumacher reported she attend a
meeting on Tuesday August 12, 2014.She reported UOC is moving
forward. Mr. Rohlfs had some concerns with Mrs. Schumacher still
attending the UOC meetings since the County board voted against the
UOC. Mr. Rohlfs would like to unappoint Mrs. Schumacher to the UOC.
Mr. Rohlfs could not make that motion due to only Mr. Farmer can
appoint and unappoint an individual to a committee .Mr. Bateman
reported on the BBQ event that is happening on August 22-24. Mr.
O’Neill mentioned the idea of removing funding from the Balloon Fest
if they decide to split the event up into four different weekends.
Nothing further to report.
Community Action: Mr. O’Neill reported Community Action hired
Allison Rumbler for the Director Position. Head start has a waiting
list for students. Mr. O’Neill mentioned adding a line item in the
budget for school supplies for students. Mrs. Schumacher mentioned
making the need known to County employees and letting them donate.
Nothing further to report.
Executive/Economic Development: Mr. Farmer reported there
will be a meeting on August 21, 2014 at the Extension Office. Lunch
will be provided. Nothing further to report.

A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to
insert into the draft budget a 3% increase for full-time non-union
employees, plus Janet Kvitle, in the salary line items of the FY
2015 budget. Straw vote taken, motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, transfer
of funds from Farm Fund account 110-00-59014 to Building and Grounds
Fund 101-21-56102 in the amount of $70,000.00. Straw vote taken,
motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to increase
Logan County Safety Complex Lease with the City of Lincoln to
$35,000.00 annually starting December 1, 2014. Straw vote taken,
motion passed. Mr. Bateman reported roof and HVAC project should
start on September 19, 2014.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve
LO 13-14 83 Mobile Home 12-02-51, Certificate 2011-9012, Logan
County Trustee authority to convey to David Klokkenga. Straw vote
taken, motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to
approve LO 13-14 84 Parcel 17-350-005-00, Certificates 2009-0217 and
2009-0216, Logan County Trustee authority to convey to Teraprom,
LLC. Straw vote taken, motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve
LO 13-14 85 Mobile Home 17-00-009, Certificate 2011-9023, Logan
County Trustee authority to convey to Terrie and George Davis. Straw
vote taken, motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve
LO 13-14 86 Parcel 03-302-002-00, Certificate 2010-0009, Logan
County Trustee to Amy Phipps. Straw vote taken, motion passed.
[to top of second column] |

General Assembly: Nothing to report.
Health: Mr. Hepler yielded the floor to Mark Hilliard. Mark
Hilliard announced his retirement to the board. Mr. Hilliard also
reported Health Department appointed the head of nursing; Dianna
Heyer’s to replace Mr. Hilliard’s spot. However, Ms. Heyer’s has
accepted a new job at the Macon County Health Department. Board of
Health president and Mr. Hilliard extended an offer to Don Cavi to
take over as Public Health Administrator. Board of Health meets in
September to vote on this decision. Nothing to report.
Insurance/Legislation: Mrs. Schumacher yielded the floor to
the Abraham Lincoln Statue Committee. The committee is selling
Abraham Lincoln statues for $2,000 to raise money for a big statue
for the Courthouse Lawn. The Abraham Lincoln asked the County Board
to purchase an Abraham Lincoln Statue.
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to
purchase a Abraham Lincoln statue at the cost of $2,000.Line item
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. O’Neill to
approve LO 13-14 88- Recognition of Retirement for Logan County
Public Health Administrator Mark Hilliard. Straw vote taken, motion
1) LO 13-14 77 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
2) LO 13-14 78 Abraham Lincoln Statue Committee
3) LO 13-14 79 Salt Creek Abate
4) LO 13-14 80 United Riders Motorcycle Club
5) LO 13-14 87 Logan County Quail and Upland Game Alliance
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to
approve the raffles as presented. Straw cote taken, motion passed.
Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to
approve Lo 13-14 81- Recognition of retirement for Logan County
Supervisor of Assessments Rosanne Brosamer. Straw vote taken, motion
passed. A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Ruben,
to approve LO 13-14 82 Michael Mason as Trustee of the Emden Fire
Protection Dist. Straw vote taken, motion passed.
Nothing further to report.

Workforce Investment: Mrs. Schumacher reported on a new
workforce act that was passed in July. The new act is called
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Mrs. Schumacher gave a
brief over view of the new act.
Nothing to report.
Law Enforcement and EMA: Nothing to report.
Liquor: Nothing to report.
Planning and Zoning: Nothing to report
Economic Development Partnership: Nothing to report
Road and Bridge: A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth,
seconded by Mr. Blankenship, Engineering Agreement with Fehr-Graham
& Associates for bridge design on Primm Road over Salt Creek in the
amount of $68,361.00 Straw vote taken, motion passed. Nothing
further to report.
Main Street and Tourism: Nothing to report.
Waste Management: Mr. O’Neill reported on the upcoming event
that Waste Management is hosting Household Hazardous Waste. The
event will be October 11, 2014 8a.m-3p.m. Nothing to report.
Safety: Mrs. Schumacher gave a brief overview of the Disaster
plan and IT plan. A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by
Mr. O’Neill, to approve Logan County Disaster Plan. Straw vote
taken, motion passed. A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded
by Mr. O’Neill, to approve IT Plan. Straw vote taken, motion passed.
Nothing to report.

Personnel: Nothing further to report.
County Board Chairman’s Report: Nothing further to report.
Mr. Farmer reported he will appoint Dave Blankenship to Finance on
Tuesday. He will also appoint someone to Road and Bridge as Chairman
and a member to airport and Farmer. He will also appoint Emily
Davenport to Regional Planning Committee
A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
[Copied from Logan County website] |