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Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois — on the Web

Logan Mason Public Transportation offers pilot program for extended hours

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[October 27, 2014]  LINCOLN - Logan Mason Public Transportation (LMPT) is offering a trial run of extended hours beginning October 20th and run through October 31st. The hours of operation will be 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday.

“We have been operating for a little over two years and felt it was time to start exploring the options of extended hours said Program Director, Angie Jenkins.” A survey was sent out to current riders, partnering businesses and also on Facebook to identify what hours of services was needed. “We found the largest need of services was weekdays 7:00am – 6:00 pm and the second largest need was daytime hours on Saturday’s. Hopefully, the pilot program will allow us to determine if we need to extend our weekday hours with the possibility of weekend service.”

LMPT is an “On Demand Response” transportation system that is offered to individuals of all ages throughout Logan and Mason County for a reasonable fare. In 2014, LMPT provided nearly 20,000 rides for individuals throughout Logan and Mason.

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The program is partially funded with state and federal monies from 5311, Downstate Operating Assistance and the Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland,Inc. and also receives local support from the United Way of Logan County and Logan/ Mason County Board Senior Tax Monies.

LMPT is administered by the Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois. To inquire about our transportation services we can be reached at 866-930-8212, or visit our website at

[Angie Jenkins, Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois]

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