Oct. 25, 8:05 a.m.
Location: Palmer Avenue at Feldman Drive
Driver and vehicles:
Contributing factors: improper backing, had
been drinking
Citations issued to: Ellegood, for improper backing, leaving the
scene of an accident - vehicle damage
Oct. 26, 1:09 p.m.
Location: North Kickapoo Street at Yosemite Avenue
Drivers and vehicles:
Crawford, Paula L., 41;
2008 Chevrolet Impala LS owned by Steven T. Crawford
Purdue, Connie A., 48;
2006 Chevrolet Impala LT
Contributing factors: failing to reduce speed
to avoid crash, following too closely
Citation issued to: Crawford, for failure to reduce speed to avoid
an accident
Oct. 27, 5:06 p.m.
Location: Malerich
Driver and vehicle:
Damage to property of Wal-Mart (stop sign)
Contributing factors: unable to determine, weather
Lincoln Police Department
Graves, Alexander A., 26, of Lincoln,
arrested Oct. 28 on Woodlawn Road at Taylor Court on charge of
reckless driving.
[to top of second column]

Logan County Sheriff’s Department
Brandon G., 27, of Clinton, arrested Oct. 28 at the DeWitt
County Jail, Clinton, on Logan County warrant for failure to
appear in answer to charge of driving with a revoked license.
Tabria, 18, of Aurora, arrested Oct. 28 on Sangamon Street at
Peoria Street on charge of obstructing identification.
Atlanta, Elkhart, Illinois Department of
Natural Resources, Illinois State Police, Mount Pulaski, San Jose
No arrest reports.
The public is reminded that anyone is presumed innocent until
charges are proven in a court of law.
Other recent police