Present: David Hepler-Chairman; Bob Farmer; Rick
Aylesworth; Chuck Ruben; Gene Rohlfs Absent:
Guests: Dave Blankenship; Abbey Freese; Pamela Meagher
Mr. Hepler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve
the minutes from the July 14, 2014 meeting as printed. Motion
Old Business
Public Transportation: Mrs. Meagher reported the FY14
year-end report was submitted to IDOT today. Community Action will
receive approximately $81,000 and the County’s portion is
approximately $1800. The program is picking up an additional
15-passenger bus this week and will begin its focus on increasing
ridership. Mr. Ruben reported the cafeteria at Friendship Manor
recently closed. This may provide an opportunity to partner with
those residents to offer transportation to the hospital for a hot

Wind Farms: Mr. Aylesworth reported the ReLite project is
moving forward. Mr. Hepler indicated they may be obtaining special
use permits prior to the end of this calendar year.
EDP report
of activity: There was no report at this time.
New Business
Executive/Economic Development Committee structure: Mr.
Hepler indicated the County Board may want to reevaluate the
composition of this committee in the future. He suggested membership
on this committee could be changed so one Board member is assigned
from each district. Any action would be dependent on the future of
the Logan County Economic Development Partnership.
Master Plan updates: Mr. Hepler indicated this was placed on
the agenda, as it may need updates in the future. No action taken at
this time.
Rural Economic Development committee: Mr. Farmer reported a
meeting will be held at 11:30 am on August 21st at the Extension
office to discuss County economic development. Representatives from
all county communities and townships are being invited to this
brainstorming meeting. A light lunch will be provided.
[to top of second column] |

Budget: The first draft of the budget is being
reviewed at tomorrow night’s Finance committee meeting.
April referendum: Mr. Hepler reminded the committee that
there is a January deadline if any referendum is to be placed on
the April ballot.
County Board office arrangements: Mr. Ruben discussed
this committee’s previous decision to move Mrs. Freese to the
“old County Board office”. Mrs. Freese expressed concerns about
inadequate heating and cooling. Mr. Ruben suggested checking
with the state surplus for used room dividers. Mr. Blankenship
also reported that surplus materials may be available from State
Farm. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded
by Mr. Aylesworth, to approve spending up to $500.00 from the
office supplies line item for partitions or cubicle sections to
make the office spaces more private. Motion passed.
Naming of Department Head for County Board: Mr. Ruben
reported the Treasurer had expressed concern that vouchers from
the County Board office are submitted with no department head or
elected official signature. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben,
seconded by Mr. Farmer, to name Pamela Meagher department head
of County offices and allow her to sign vouchers for that office
in an amount not to exceed $5000.00. Vouchers over that amount
will be held for signing by the Board Chairman or Finance
Chairman. All vouchers, after signed by Mrs. Meagher, are to be
forwarded to the Treasurer for review. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:40 pm.