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To the editor:I am writing this September 10, 2014. I understand
that it is your duty to cover the news, but I feel it is your duty
to also further awareness for what is obviously of such importance.
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. Living in an age of social
media, this important campaign is already being spread rampantly,
but I still feel, the older generation, as well as just the
unplugged population needs not so gentle reminders of not only this
day but the importance of its message.
Having lost my son Jacob Bowersock to suicide this past summer, I
find myself not only ultra sensitive to this topic but more ultra
aware as well. Suicide is a real problem, one that is not new to our
world, but one that is definitely being discussed more because of
social media removing the physical distance in our world. Instantly
people are made aware of situations, or of people who have also
shared similar experiences.

My son passed in June, and since that time I've been contacted by
other mother's who have lost their children, Regina here in Lincoln,
Paula in Bloomington. Labor Day weekend, a mother named Jill lost
her daughter, Hannah in Pekin and most recently a senior in high
school in Clinton, Evan, has died as well. Right there is more than
enough people to have touched my life to make me further understand
just how horrendous this is and how being aware of the problems our
youth face is so important. It is their lack of experience in life
that leads them to see this as an instant solution to their
temporary problems never realizing how it will destroy those left
behind. These aren't just cases of parents who are out of touch, or
"missing the boat" with where their children are emotionally.
[to top of second column in this letter] |

Suicide is real! Suicide needs to be talked about BEFORE it affects
us personally. Too often it is that topic that is whispered about,
or swept under the rug. It's not in the hands of just parents, or
grandparent to address. It is in your hands if you are a human
being! I am asking that you make yourselves aware of this problem.
Talk to people, ask if they're doing okay, tell someone if you are
not and as a member of the media make this day one more priority in
your calendar to promote awareness.
Our children are leaving our lives before it is their time. I speak
on behalf of all mothers, family members and friends to say that we
would give anything for one more day, for our children to have been
strong enough to look to someone next to them and say "I need help."
And we would give anything to do our part to make sure another mom
or family doesn't have to feel the gut-wrenching, heartbreaking pain
of losing someone to suicide. Life is beautiful, sure full of cloudy
days, but no one needs to wipe out their chances to see the sunshine
One last item of importance..... 1-800-273-8255 is the number for
the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Put it in your phone,
share it with your friends, post it on your locker, give it to
everyone. It's time that we quit whispering, quit ignoring it, and
just reach out to save someone.
Misty Bell [Posted
September 11, 2014]
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