The radar was located at Willard Airport, south of Champaign
IL, and was being used along with a rain gauge network to relate
radar signals with rain rates. Don Staggs, the radar technician,
had stayed late to complete repairs on the radar.
While testing the repairs, he noticed an interesting radar
return and began recording the radar scope using the mounted 35
mm camera. As a result, he captured a well-defined hook echo on
Afterwards, researchers related the radar data that Staggs
recorded to detailed damage reports along the tornado’s path.
The 1954 Water Survey report on the tornado stated, “It may be
possible to establish radar storm warning systems in tornado
areas to reduce loss of lives.” The April 9, 1953, event, along
with subsequent events, helped provide the push in the US for
developing a nationwide network of weather radars.
[Lisa Sheppard, Illinois State