Mayor Cooper was appointed to serve as Acting Mayor on June 1st
by his colleagues on the Lincoln City Council. Even in his short
term as mayor, Scott demonstrated himself as a proven leader and a
dedicated public servant.
“The tragic loss of Scott is devastating to the Council and
community,” stated Mayor Pro Temp Marty Neitzel. “His loss creates a
void in the leadership of the City that cannot be replaced. All of
our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.”
The vacancy created by the passing of Mayor Cooper will be filled by
Mayor Pro Temp Marty Neitzel until the Council takes action on
appointing a new Acting Mayor. The City will follow the same process
on filling the mayoral vacancy as was practiced after the
resignation of former Mayor Keith Snyder. The aldermen, in a public
meeting, will vote amongst the current membership to appoint an
Acting Mayor to finish the term originally begun by former Mayor
Snyder, ending April 2017.
[City Administrator Clay Johnson,
City of Lincoln] |
